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After scaffolding for the past 20+ yr's let's just say i have not got the most delicate of finger's..the finger's that do the ringing need to be women or child like.. :D

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I can well appreciate the likely difficulties of closed ringing anything as tiny as a redpoll chick. As a licensed wild bird ringer I, of course, get to use open rings and clinch them with special pliers which I'm sure must be much easier. Baby Willow Warblers, eg. can be testing though! :icon_eek:


What I did; I went to the chemists and bought their most powerful, off the rack pair of reading glasses. 10 x mag. Cost me a tenner and I look a right fruit in them! :laugh: They do help though. Take a ring with you. Put the glasses on and see how it looks then.


Thinking about it? Closed ring on a Lesser Redpoll? Must be like threading a f**king needle with a live bit of cotton! I don't envy you guys one little bit!


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What about a Wren or a Firecrest/Goldcrest.



Aha! Would you believe there's a built in cop out clause on those? Seriously! Believe it or not, the adults aren't really a problem to ring. They're good little behavours, in the hand. I've rung wrens and fires.


But the chicks? Perish the thought! :icon_eek: Like trying to ring an insect!


Nest is the thing though. I don't care how slender your fingers, or how steady your hand: No human is going to safely extricate a brood of wren or crest chicks from the nest. Not consistently. It'll end in tears. Thus, we're simply Not allowed to try it.


I've monitored a Firecrest's nest. Did it simply by firing my camera into it, on macro. It was just above eye level. So much as touch that little eggshell of lichen and it could just disintegrate. Never mind trying to get the mini chicks out with my fingers.


God knows what anyone breeding them would have to do, to get them rung? Interesting consideration! :hmm:

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I have alway's wondered how anyone could get Wren chick's out of the nest without wrecking the oval shaped structure with a tiny hole in it..i found a few when i was a kid and it was hard enough feeling for egg's with small finger's let alone adult sized hand's..

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