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210/18 Size Longnet Twine


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Hi, I'm just after some advice on the suitability for making a longnet with 4 inch sheet mesh, 15 meshes deep made of 210/18 denier size twine? If I am right; 4 oz neeting is 210/12, then 210/18 I assume is even finer again... but would it be too fine? Also what twine size is 6 oz? I am really struggling to find suitable longnetting mesh in Australia. Any advice appreciated.


Edited by Fergus
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i would be looking for 4z myself but we dont all like the same..


Fergus, 210/18 is 6z twine. You dont want a 4" mesh in 6z as the rabbits can bounce off as there is less stretch to allow the coneys head through. You want 4.25" mesh in 6z :thumbs:

Good calls by both of you. 210/12, 4Z for 4" mesh and 4¼ or 4½ for 210/18 6Z. Personally there is only one choice for me 4Z.



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Hi, I'm just after some advice on the suitability for making a longnet with 4 inch sheet mesh, 15 meshes deep made of 210/18 denier size twine? If I am right; 4 oz neeting is 210/12, then 210/18 I assume is even finer again... but would it be too fine? Also what twine size is 6 oz? I am really struggling to find suitable longnetting mesh in Australia. Any advice appreciated.


I may have got the name wrong, but I belive Steamingutpiles has or will have 6z sheets for sale.


By the way it is not 6oz it is 6Z they make the twine for nylon nets with either a right hand twist or left hand twist or a Z twist and the higher the number the bigger the diameter of the twine.



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Guest scramble

i use both 4 and 6z and spun poly nets, fast set and traditional. prefer 4z and spun for night work and 6z for ferreting through hedges etc.


TC do you know a rough price for the 6z sheet?

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Thanks for the advice guys and confirmation on the 6z. Unfortunately I have not been able to source anything close to what I want in 4z and the 6z is obviously close but can only find that in 4" mesh. I know it would be easy to get what I wanted if I bought in bulk and ordered a mile of the stuff...but that is way too much for what I want. I'll keep up the search. Might PM Steaming gut.

Regards, Fergus

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