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Dogs Being Boiled Alive

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They have a different culture - and they are not going to change - just as we have our own culture. I don't agree with it - it's horrific to my eyes, and the thought of it makes me sick. My brother lives and works in China, and has done for 10 years or more. The things he has seen, and eaten, turn my stomach, and have strained our relationship to breaking point. When he tells them he has a sister who keeps several dogs in the house - they can't understand it - anymore than I can understand that they sell them tied up in markets, ready to be cooked.

tied up in markets ready to be cooked that would be a culture shock that
Yes, very much. They tie the dogs front legs up over their shoulders - taking them back under themselves, over the loins, and tie at the "wrists". To say it makes me sick is an understatement - and I have a very strong stomach, and don't get queasy at anything. I understand it is their culture, and we slaughter beef and lamb etc, but the conditions of it are very different.
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none of your business let them get on with it and dont bother putting the link up

its pretty big in korea,and yes i agree its sick in my eyes.however there a race that have no compassion towards animals the same as we do.they serve half cooked fish on a plate.lol muching away and

I 100% agree with this. Us petitioning against this is no different to antis petitioning against rabbiting or any other of our country sports. They don't know any different. It's normal to them. Just

when those dirty china c**ts dont even have human rights what hope do animals have


one of my friends was working in china and he went into a restraunt and they had cages of small dogs and snakes and you could pick which one you wanted to eat for your dinner :laugh:

Not feeling that hungry today Chang my old son, just make mine a chiwauwau !! Lol lol

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Just shows what backward savages they are, uneducated and no taste what so ever....... Don't they know dog should be turned slowly on a spit, basted every 15 mins. :laugh:

Seriously though no amount of petitions or lobbying will alter a nations eating habits. We revere dogs as mans best friend, but they see it as lunch on a lead.

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if you had grown up there you wouldn`t bat an eyelid, however if you came over here, the thought of some of the things we eat might turn your stomache, im not saying anythings right or wrong in what they do, but they have been doing for longer than we have.

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After a night on the town, i look forward to having a hot dog and a slush puppy over there its a totally different meaning :bad:

their a pack of fooking freaks

Edited by hawki
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Quite frankly, it's got f**k all to do with us. If another nation started petitioning against British culture I would be fecking disgusted with their utter arrogance!.................. I'd be wanting war ships dispatched at once! :laugh:


On a more positive note, Chinese culture will gradually change......... There trade is hugely dependant on Europe and North America, their children are sent en mass to British and US universities and the US film industry is growing in China (which is bending for the other is debateable though). This is having the effect of bringing 'home' western ideas and values................ It's not going to have a huge and immediate effect of the lower classes of China but it will filter down through media etc.

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They should be more compassionate towards animals like Britain?


@rtenews: Rolf Harris named as the entertainer who was arrested by police investigating allegations of sexual abuse following the Jimmy Savile scandal

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I have no problem with any country eating whatever sustainable meat they want BUT keep it treat it and kill it humanely especially when the animal has a high intelligence such as a dog ... primate etc ............

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I have no problem with any country eating whatever sustainable meat they want BUT keep it treat it and kill it humanely especially when the animal has a high intelligence such as a dog ... primate etc ............


Agreed the humane treatment is key, but i still hate foreign fuckers

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