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Advice Please Expert Fettlers

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Hi all


I have never dared to mess with the internals of any airgun.


I have recently watched a German poster's video on Youtube of the disassembly of an HW95. He states that if the 'stock' HW 95 sub 12ft.lb spring is fitted then no special tools are needed and he warns that disassembly of a gun with a spring of greater than 12ft/lbs energy output should only be undertaken by an expert. He then demonstrates how to do this on his 5.5 ft/lb model.


My question is a simple one for those who have undertaken the disassembly of a UK model HW95 - do you need a spring compressor or not?


If one is necessary then I will probably not risk 'having a go', although having watched the video, I would rather fancy doing so.


All input would be appreciated.

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I've never once either used or needed one. Although I won't say that some weren't a struggle!!

suppose fac is a different beast.. lol


i remember my mate having to put all his might into getting a ox spring in his old hw80 or bsa supersport. like bending over and pressing it into the floor . had loads of bruising marks on his stomach from the barrel digging into him. if you see what i mean./?


but sub 12 are piss easy

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