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braking in a new rifle

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is there a way of running in a new rifle waiting for a new tikka t3 to land a mate said u have to clean it after ever shot till it is run in.any help would be great thanks.sounder :victory:

Edited by sounder
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It is often recomended that you run a brush through and a couple of patches between shots for the first 10 or so. This is said to extend the life of the barrel. However, I would suggest that you use Hornady rounds as they have a coating that is supposed to reduce deposits and fill microscopic imperfections. Hope this helps :thumbs:

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Guest baldie

All fullbores require running in, to get the best from the barrel, unless its a full blown custom, lead lapped barrel, and even then, it doesn,t hurt them either. Running in, is a way of smoothing out the reamer marks at the throat etc, because as a shot is fired, the roughness strips copper from the bullet jacket, and fills the rough marks. This need getting out straight away, before another shot is fired, otherwise the roughness wont go, and full accuracy wont be achieved. This means shoot and clean every shot, for at least ten, i prefer, at least 20, but i,ve done that many, i can tell by the way the gun is shooting, and more importantly, cleaning, when its broken in. Ignore the people who will tell you its a waste of time...it isnt, because these are the same people whose guns will only do 2" at 100 yards. I have always looked at it this way...would you take a brand new motor bike, or new car, and thrash it for 50 miles at top speed down a motorway? no, so why do it to a rifle?

Good luck with it.

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