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Liver Fluke

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I know this might sound stupid as its something I have never really thought about,but while I was mole catching this morning the dog caught a rabbit in some rushes,I gutted the rabbit as I waist nothing,but when I opened it up is was in a state its liver was in ribbons with liver fluke,so I disgarded it thinking it was better off dead,then after I had got to the next farm, it dawned on me could a dog pick liver fluke up,as it happend my dog didnt go back to the carcase,but in the past I have known him try and eat the guts,


So question is can a dog get liver fluke,from infected animals, and if so what are the symptoms I am sure someone on here will have the answer

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i just give my dogs the whole rabbit guts n all there bouncing.

I am not sure how your area as been affected with it,but our area has been hit bad with fluke over last twelve months, so I would be carefull with feeding raw at the moment,

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