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Taken On Some Ferrets

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My old shooting buddy brought these ferrets last year (3 JILLS), and became poorly with the big 'C'. He wanted me to take them on (which I have of course) but one is very temperamental to say the least. I have added lots of things to their cage as you can see and am handling them every day but how long should I be handling them for? I want to work them this coming season so need them to be more friendly. Cheers Annapost-69361-0-80810400-1365972230.jpg

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I handle mine lots i dont really think there is a time frame you have to stick to just make sure that the trust with you and them builds and all should be fine,one of mine was a bit nippy she came right and is great soft as snow bless her ;) slow and steady wins the day.I used to feed mine a egg from a small bowl and hold her at same time so she got used to the sensation of touch and was more interested in the egg than clamping my hand and it worked for me :D this is her few days ago asleep in my arms real scary :tongue2:


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I know you prob laugh but I brought them a lead to give them some exercise. I have to be very careful as we have quite a few chickens so can't let them escape hehe. How else can I get them exercised other than handling them? In the season they will be out a couple of times a week!!!

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Personally have never been a fan of leads. Handleing them doesn't exercise them really. Mine like to be on the ground playing and walking about more than being held. Try and get them to some open space like a park or the beach. I used to walk mine on a golf course of an evening and they just follow me around and romp with each other. I find they are particularily active early morning and late evening. I don't think you can handle them enough. If they are fitter they will hunt longer in a day.

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I have partitioned off 6' x 6' in my garage as a ferret court and put in some tubes etc and always have a rabbit hanging from a rope. Keeps them good for hours trying to get it down and rip pieces off it.


A few lads who have been round have said its nice to see them playing and running around as opposed to just in hutches not doing much :thumbs:

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I would also get a bottle of ferret formula which they love just to use now and again. Mine have a run around the yard every couple of days at least even if its only a few minutes and they run to me when I call them now. All 3 I can just to let them nibble my hand in play good as gold. Makes ferreting much more enjoyable too no skulking or messing about

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