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A And M Cylinder For Hw100

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I got one recently from A and M, The answer to your question is yes, get one, Shot count on mine the standard 100 has gone from 115 to 157-160 in .177 before it drops off the reg, consistency wise it does not change from before, mine is plus-minus 5 fps over 20 shots. Of coarse it depends on the pellet used, mine likes 7.9 accupells and they are deadly accurate out to 60 yrds. The man himself fitted the cylinder for me as A and M is just up the road from me, And what a nice bloke he is, he opened up on his day off to accommodate my needs as i needed one for that night on an all nighter. I nearly traveled up north to marksmans gaff to pick one up but he put me right.

Going to write a review soon on the cylinder on here the HLF. In short, I wish i had got one 5 years ago ! prices have had to go up for the cylinder obviously over the years with mounting cost to the materials and what not, but the end result is a solid, quality improvement for the HW 100.


atb phil

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