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S400 With Jsb Exacts And Weihrauch Magnums

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i thought id do a little comparison test,ive been using jsb exacts 177 for quite a while and have taken quite a few rabbits and pigeons with them.but on the odd occasion ive found that a rabbit will have chance to bolt back to its hole even with a hole through its head!so i thought id try some heavier lead hopeing that they wont drill straight through like the jsb.first i tried crossman premier ultra magnums but the target looked like it had been shot with a shotgun,so i bought some weihrauch magnums which are 10.6 grains compaired to jsb at 8.4 grains.i gave the barrel a few pull throughs first then shot some of the magnums through to lead the barrel.the first picture is a 10 shot group with the magnums at 25 yds zero,then the second pic is at 35yds with just under a mil dot. i then shot 5 of each pellets at a concrete block at 35yds to see the difference.on the left of the picture is the hw magnums and on the right is the jsb(there are only 3 of the jsb as i couldnt retrieve the other 2 out of the block) there is a noticable difference when the pellets hit.i went out later that evening after spending time learning my aim points at different ranges and shot 2 rabbits.i wont put pics of them on here as its not the hunting section,but the pellets never went straight through even thought one of the rabbits was tiny.i know this isnt exacly a scientific experiment but i was quite surprised at the difference.post-85258-0-76088200-1365937905.jpgpost-85258-0-24631900-1365937937.jpgpost-85258-0-10614800-1365938100.jpg

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