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Terriermens Names Cleard

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This thread is a bit odd to be honest.....if your THAT paranoid about security and privacy, don't go on the internet because there's nowhere that is completely 100% safe and secure. As for the people that are stressing about people gaining access to PMs, the vast majority of people on here are just a username, they could literally be anyone....a copper could have a lurcher and do a bit of ferreting/rabbiting, so be able to put pics up of dogs/ferrets/hunting, but it doesn't mean they won't also be trying to catch people out, which lets face it, wouldn't be hard on here!!! So pm'ing something that could land you in the shite to someone you barely know is quite an odd thing to do if you ask me. There are also a few people on here that never put pics up and barely mention hunting at all, and yet are trusted because they've been on here a long time. There are also people who are trusted because they sound like they really know their stuff.............guess what, real hardcore antis probably know as much (or more) about hunting than half the people that actually hunt!


If you were an anti what would you do to catch people out? you'd create an account, be as convincing as possible, bide your time and pick people off one by one......it would be a piece of piss!!!


Don't post incriminating stuff, don't pm incriminating stuff, it really is straight forward!

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Why the f**k have we the tax payers got to pick up the bill for the RSPCAs failed prosecutions, isnt it about time we got them to pay them themselves, who decides who picks up the bill, if they had to

Facts are,..if you want to insure 100% that nobody ever reads embarrassing PMs or back-biting , shit stirring, girlified stories and, kiss and tell tales,.then stick to the phone,.or better still,..h

Well, problem is that it's much easier to just 'freeze' an account rather than delete it and there no way of deleting the posts that member has made....as far as i'm aware....   The problem you get

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Thought you'd a binned this by now paulus :)

i believe everyone has a right to reply, more so when big allegations are made :thumbs:
see your side is out in force this fine morn :D

theres only me on here :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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It makes no odds who can see what....there is a file on every computer called a DAT file ... This file keeps every single thing you have written and every web site you have ever been on...you cannot delete this file.... That is where plod get there info from ...

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Just an example...........a while back there was a "private" terrier site (invite only, extra special :rolleyes: ) i was a member and was having a heated debate with one of the other members, i was getting a lot of pm's from other members basically adding fuel to the fire, i logged on one day only to see it showed my last visit to the site was 5hrs ago which was impossible, (no one had my password and i always log off) i kept an eye on this for a couple of days and it always showed i had been logged in when i wasn't , i put a post up on the site and asked why it was showing me logged on as last visit when i was at work and said this was strange, before i even got one reply i was deleted from the site :hmm: Never trust anything or anyone you dont know on the internet that way you wont be disappointed or shocked when things go pear shaped :thumbs: As for deleting people who genuinely ask it shouldn't be hard, after all they aint publicly bleating (attention seeking) to be deleted from sites like some have in the past that obviously "cant" keep away, then they "blatantly" come back and post or snoop in their "friends" names or have their "friends" post for them :laugh:

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Just an example...........a while back there was a "private" terrier site (invite only, extra special :rolleyes: ) i was a member and was having a heated debate with one of the other members, i was getting a lot of pm's from other members basically adding fuel to the fire, i logged on one day only to see it showed my last visit to the site was 5hrs ago which was impossible, (no one had my password and i always log off) i kept an eye on this for a couple of days and it always showed i had been logged in when i wasn't , i put a post up on the site and asked why it was showing me logged on as last visit when i was at work and said this was strange, before i even got one reply i was deleted from the site :hmm: Never trust anything or anyone you dont know on the internet that way you wont be disappointed or shocked when things go pear shaped :thumbs: As for deleting people who genuinely ask it shouldn't be hard, after all they aint publicly bleating (attention seeking) to be deleted from sites like some have in the past that obviously "cant" keep away, then they "blatantly" come back and post or snoop in their "friends" names or have their "friends" post for them :laugh:

interesting vixen very interesting
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let me put the record straight-i only asked to have my account terminated-i joined this site in the hope of being able to find stolen dogs, that my very good mates had stolen-now the scum bag who stole them is on here with other lowlife pieces of shit. -he knows who he is- as he checks my profile couple of times a week :laugh: these day walkers are predictable-and love it when you blow some smoke up their arses-i now which member has the 1 dog-im just waiting for the brother and sister to make an appearance on some silly cnuts posts and then the matter can be put to bed-ian b i for 1 have never called you a tout-nor do i give a rats arse who you collaborate with-like i said in my pm to you-ive nothing to hide from any of you sheep on here as i follow the law-i have met some geniune people from this site and will stay in contact probably for life-they know who they are-so please dont be rubbishing my good name-thats the sign of a true cnut.Kind Regards bobby

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let me put the record straight-i only asked to have my account terminated-i joined this site in the hope of being able to find stolen dogs, that my very good mates had stolen-now the scum bag who stole them is on here with other lowlife pieces of shit. -he knows who he is- as he checks my profile couple of times a week :laugh: these day walkers are predictable-and love it when you blow some smoke up their arses-i now which member has the 1 dog-im just waiting for the brother and sister to make an appearance on some silly cnuts posts and then the matter can be put to bed-ian b i for 1 have never called you a tout-nor do i give a rats arse who you collaborate with-like i said in my pm to you-ive nothing to hide from any of you sheep on here as i follow the law-i have met some geniune people from this site and will stay in contact probably for life-they know who they are-so please dont be rubbishing my good name-thats the sign of a true cnut.Kind Regards bobby

you staying then
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Just an example...........a while back there was a "private" terrier site (invite only, extra special :rolleyes: ) i was a member and was having a heated debate with one of the other members, i was getting a lot of pm's from other members basically adding fuel to the fire, i logged on one day only to see it showed my last visit to the site was 5hrs ago which was impossible, (no one had my password and i always log off) i kept an eye on this for a couple of days and it always showed i had been logged in when i wasn't , i put a post up on the site and asked why it was showing me logged on as last visit when i was at work and said this was strange, before i even got one reply i was deleted from the site :hmm: Never trust anything or anyone you dont know on the internet that way you wont be disappointed or shocked when things go pear shaped :thumbs: As for deleting people who genuinely ask it shouldn't be hard, after all they aint publicly bleating (attention seeking) to be deleted from sites like some have in the past that obviously "cant" keep away, then they "blatantly" come back and post or snoop in their "friends" names or have their "friends" post for them :laugh:

interesting vixen very interesting


Dont know about interesting, but just part of everyday life on the great big world of the internet, i can't believe how some people are still naive to the fact that ANYTHING can be accessed on the internet by the powers that be

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No one ever noticed when you sign up it says in the small print admin an mods can read pms? go and have alook!!



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  • No posting of illegal subjects or images, the moderators retain the right to remove these at their own discretion.
  • No Use of Txt Talk, this being abbreviated words commonly used in mobile phone messages, in the form of U, [bANNED TEXT], UR, L8R, etc. There is no limit on post length on the forum, so theres no need to use shortened messages that are unreadable to some members. These will be removed as seen and the members warning level increased accordingly...Its just plain lazy.
  • Please try to keep posts constructive. Healthy debate is good, petty arguements are not, they do not show us in a good light as a community or for hunting in general.
  • Anyone found threatening members will be warned and if persistent removed completely from the forum with their email address and IP banned.
  • Try to help the moderators out by using the report button thats available on individual posts & threads which may contravene the rules. This helps us with our job, saving time and creating a better forum for everyone.
  • As a final note, we are all on the forum for one reason, our passion for hunting and the fieldsports it consists of, we must preserve what we have now for future generations to come, at a time when we are under constant pressure from government, anti's and general public threatening our way of life...we must always remember together we stand divided we fall.....
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let me put the record straight-i only asked to have my account terminated-i joined this site in the hope of being able to find stolen dogs, that my very good mates had stolen-now the scum bag who stole them is on here with other lowlife pieces of shit. -he knows who he is- as he checks my profile couple of times a week :laugh: these day walkers are predictable-and love it when you blow some smoke up their arses-i now which member has the 1 dog-im just waiting for the brother and sister to make an appearance on some silly cnuts posts and then the matter can be put to bed-ian b i for 1 have never called you a tout-nor do i give a rats arse who you collaborate with-like i said in my pm to you-ive nothing to hide from any of you sheep on here as i follow the law-i have met some geniune people from this site and will stay in contact probably for life-they know who they are-so please dont be rubbishing my good name-thats the sign of a true cnut.Kind Regards bobby

you staying then

i shall sit on the sidelines-and not bother to contribute anything of any interest-i shall become a TROLL :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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No one ever noticed when you sign up it says in the small print admin an mods can read pms? go and have alook!!



Member Information
  • No posting of illegal subjects or images, the moderators retain the right to remove these at their own discretion.
  • No Use of Txt Talk, this being abbreviated words commonly used in mobile phone messages, in the form of U, [bANNED TEXT], UR, L8R, etc. There is no limit on post length on the forum, so theres no need to use shortened messages that are unreadable to some members. These will be removed as seen and the members warning level increased accordingly...Its just plain lazy.
  • Please try to keep posts constructive. Healthy debate is good, petty arguements are not, they do not show us in a good light as a community or for hunting in general.
  • Anyone found threatening members will be warned and if persistent removed completely from the forum with their email address and IP banned.
  • Try to help the moderators out by using the report button thats available on individual posts & threads which may contravene the rules. This helps us with our job, saving time and creating a better forum for everyone.
  • As a final note, we are all on the forum for one reason, our passion for hunting and the fieldsports it consists of, we must preserve what we have now for future generations to come, at a time when we are under constant pressure from government, anti's and general public threatening our way of life...we must always remember together we stand divided we fall.....

thanks for answering that paulus

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No one ever noticed when you sign up it says in the small print admin an mods can read pms? go and have alook!!



Member Information
  • No posting of illegal subjects or images, the moderators retain the right to remove these at their own discretion.
  • No Use of Txt Talk, this being abbreviated words commonly used in mobile phone messages, in the form of U, [bANNED TEXT], UR, L8R, etc. There is no limit on post length on the forum, so theres no need to use shortened messages that are unreadable to some members. These will be removed as seen and the members warning level increased accordingly...Its just plain lazy.
  • Please try to keep posts constructive. Healthy debate is good, petty arguements are not, they do not show us in a good light as a community or for hunting in general.
  • Anyone found threatening members will be warned and if persistent removed completely from the forum with their email address and IP banned.
  • Try to help the moderators out by using the report button thats available on individual posts & threads which may contravene the rules. This helps us with our job, saving time and creating a better forum for everyone.
  • As a final note, we are all on the forum for one reason, our passion for hunting and the fieldsports it consists of, we must preserve what we have now for future generations to come, at a time when we are under constant pressure from government, anti's and general public threatening our way of life...we must always remember together we stand divided we fall.....

f**k off paulas i am bord i wanted loads to go an look an come back on here moaning or some one to say yes i have seen it lol

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