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Why the f**k have we the tax payers got to pick up the bill for the RSPCAs failed prosecutions, isnt it about time we got them to pay them themselves, who decides who picks up the bill, if they had to

Facts are,..if you want to insure 100% that nobody ever reads embarrassing PMs or back-biting , shit stirring, girlified stories and, kiss and tell tales,.then stick to the phone,.or better still,..h

Well, problem is that it's much easier to just 'freeze' an account rather than delete it and there no way of deleting the posts that member has made....as far as i'm aware....   The problem you get

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Facts are,..if you want to insure 100% that nobody ever reads embarrassing PMs or back-biting , shit stirring, girlified stories and, kiss and tell tales,.then stick to the phone,.or better still,..have a quiet drink with a fellow hunter,...and say what is on your mind, face to face...


Fecking Internet,....eh... :laugh:

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its simple, your responsible for what ever you put on the internet, the fact it makes your bollocks grow when you post something that perhaps you shouldn`t then is nobody`s fault but your own if something comes of it, who`s to blame :hmm:

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its simple, your responsible for what ever you put on the internet, the fact it makes your bollocks grow when you post something that perhaps you shouldn`t is nobody`s fault but your own if something comes of it who`s to blame :hmm:

there's a simple rule don't say anything on a computer either pm/post that you wouldn't say to an rspca/cops face " simples"
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its simple, your responsible for what ever you put on the internet, the fact it makes your bollocks grow when you post something that perhaps you shouldn`t is nobody`s fault but your own if something comes of it who`s to blame :hmm:

there's a simple rule don't say anything on a computer either pm/post that you wouldn't say to an rspca/cops face " simples"

ok lets make it simple if anyone on this thread has any proof what so ever that pm`s can be read by anyone other than those involved, please post it on here :hmm: and i don`t mean hear say or googled shite i mean facts :thumbs:

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its simple, your responsible for what ever you put on the internet, the fact it makes your bollocks grow when you post something that perhaps you shouldn`t is nobody`s fault but your own if something comes of it who`s to blame :hmm:

there's a simple rule don't say anything on a computer either pm/post that you wouldn't say to an rspca/cops face " simples"

by the looks of this ian already has

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Whats the name of the server you use if its not **"£$%^&*( ?

i have no idea im a mod not a fooking programer :laugh:

For a couple of weeks during the summer holidays, I'd go to the local swimming pool and play Galaxian. To impress a girl I liked, I would switch the machine off, play 10 games and have my name all down the leader board. I was crap at the game and the local bully was the real master. All was fine with this scenario until the bully caught my deleting his scores and took me outside and pushed my face in dog sh1t while my dream girl watched. I think he fingered the same girl in the youth club the next week.


I share this story with you to show that I have a good understanding of computers and stuff. I don't actually believe that PM's can be read and I think any of you doubters would be stupid to not heed the word of the Canons Leisure Centre Galaxian Champ 1983.

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