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'We' Need A Site Like This!

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

For " HSUS ", just read 'Arsepca'. For " Peta ", read 'Those C***s again!'


Arsepca model their money making machine on HSUS. Peta is far more alive and active in UK than virtually anyone outside their card carrying, Dog thieving and destroying membership realise.


Just spend some quality time clicking and reading some of the shit these beauties kick up and ye might start learning something ;)



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We've been arguing this for years Ditch... where was our PR machine?


Judging by the empty champagne bottles by the tent they were pissed up on our donations.


The pro hunting lobby have got the funding and the knowledge, to set up their own websites and blast back at the lies printed about them. The problem is they haven't got the inclination to do it.


One guy ran a site that totally blew the anti argument out of the water... in the end he had about 5 people contributing to his forum. Any one of our PR groups could've passed on some cash to keep it going and develop it but did they even look at it?


Why is apathy so rife in the hunting community?

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I was thinking about this last night while looking at a conference run by the Oxford Centre of Animal Ethics (yes I know I should have known better)...The conference is about the relationship between animal abuse and violence towards humans - there were sessions on the relationship between animal abuse and violence against children/partners etc. There does seem to be evidence for this. But then I came across a session called 'Offending patterns and criminal profiling of individuals who hunt with dogs'. No doubt they'll run this conference without any challenge to equating hunting with animal abuse. F*cking charming. Then I began to wonder - is there any ORGANISED response to this sh!t? From what I've learned on here, the antis are constantly trawling websites like this for ways to discredit the hunting community (and don't we give them plenty of material :no: ), but is there anything similar going on the other way? I'm not very experienced, so there may be, but I haven't encountered it.

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We've been arguing this for years Ditch... where was our PR machine?


Judging by the empty champagne bottles by the tent they were pissed up on our donations.


The pro hunting lobby have got the funding and the knowledge, to set up their own websites and blast back at the lies printed about them. The problem is they haven't got the inclination to do it.


One guy ran a site that totally blew the anti argument out of the water... in the end he had about 5 people contributing to his forum. Any one of our PR groups could've passed on some cash to keep it going and develop it but did they even look at it?


Why is apathy so rife in the hunting community?



Good post Chris, I remember looking around me whilst marching through London thinking they can't ignore us...............

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Following a link on that site I found this: http://www.petakillsanimals.com/article_de...cfm?article=134


Worth a read. The whole site is worth a read in fact. Escpecially the bit about how they dont spend the money they raise on animal welfare, they spend it on anti-milk propaganda etc (anyone remember that from a couple of years back?). Also the fact they kill thousands of animals a year.



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Why doesn t all them film stars,music people p mcarsey etc ,if they re so compassionate why not spend their time tracking those dirty b*****ds that are kidnapping and abusing kids instead of crying about foxes and fish etc.,talk about morals on there head :censored: ,The Times reported that there wasn t enough cops to monitor those dirty sick b*****d yet if your caught digging a fox your surrounded :thumbdown::censored:

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Guest little_lloyd

People Eating Tasty Animals


The fruitloop who founded peta once said Foot and mouth...I openly hope it comes here (America) :icon_eek: And they call them selves ethnical to animals Well waht the f**k :censored:


Have you not noticed the ANTIS have sites agianst everything Snaring,Shooting,Larson trapping the list goes on. And we just sit back here and think 'bugger the ban' its beacuse we have ignored them over the years...Now we are feeling the price :censored: The LACS may lack members and supporters but there good at getting there own way. The CA have many more members and supporters yet whats been acheived??

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People Eating Tasty Animals


The fruitloop who founded peta once said Foot and mouth...I openly hope it comes here (America) :icon_eek: And they call them selves ethnical to animals Well waht the f**k :censored:


Have you not noticed the ANTIS have sites agianst everything Snaring,Shooting,Larson trapping the list goes on. And we just sit back here and think 'bugger the ban' its beacuse we have ignored them over the years...Now we are feeling the price :censored: The LACS may lack members and supporters but there good at getting there own way. The CA have many more members and supporters yet whats been acheived??

So if we made a couple more websites it would never have been banned? :laugh:


I'd rather just get on with what I do and keep myself to myself.

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Guest Scuba1
So if we made a couple more websites it would never have been banned? :laugh:


I'd rather just get on with what I do and keep myself to myself.


This keeping ourself to ourself is the problem, I don´t think, that many of us trawl the anti sites and create a stink like they do with us. At this point I have to admit, that I don´t do that either. The thing is, that Joe public will think; Well if they don´t speak up for themselves, they must be feeling guilty about the things they do. Then we get all in a rage here and tell each other what we dont like about the arsepca and the rest of that lot. Thing is no one apart from us and the few antis that trawl the hunting forums reads what we write here´so Joe public will never cotton on what is happening and at the end of the day we are the ones that get shafted.






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Guest little_lloyd
People Eating Tasty Animals


The fruitloop who founded peta once said Foot and mouth...I openly hope it comes here (America) :icon_eek: And they call them selves ethnical to animals Well waht the f**k :censored:


Have you not noticed the ANTIS have sites agianst everything Snaring,Shooting,Larson trapping the list goes on. And we just sit back here and think 'bugger the ban' its beacuse we have ignored them over the years...Now we are feeling the price :censored: The LACS may lack members and supporters but there good at getting there own way. The CA have many more members and supporters yet whats been acheived??

So if we made a couple more websites it would never have been banned? :laugh:


I'd rather just get on with what I do and keep myself to myself.



Its easy saying ''yeah im going to carry on'' etc But if these nut jobs had there way they would much rather have a working dog put down than do what is was bred and does very sucessfully :censored: What do the CA or BASC do for Lurchers?

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Many moons ago, when The Hunting Life was only a few weeks old, a few of us got together and looked into the logistics of getting something like this off the ground. As none of us were any good at web design we stalled almost immediately, so we looked into getting help and pointers from the bigger boys in the countryside campaigning arena. To this day I still haven't received a reply from the CA, despite sending a dozen or so emails.


Soon after, a new site opened called The Fieldsports Debate. It's mandate was to tell it like it is, warts and all. They welcomed contributors from both sides of the hunting divide and for a few years they did a great service until lack of support from our side saw it close.


I keep harping on about apathy in British politics but for some reason the hunting community seems to be worse.

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Guest little_lloyd
Many moons ago, when The Hunting Life was only a few weeks old, a few of us got together and looked into the logistics of getting something like this off the ground. As none of us were any good at web design we stalled almost immediately, so we looked into getting help and pointers from the bigger boys in the countryside campaigning arena. To this day I still haven't received a reply from the CA, despite sending a dozen or so emails.


Soon after, a new site opened called The Fieldsports Debate. It's mandate was to tell it like it is, warts and all. They welcomed contributors from both sides of the hunting divide and for a few years they did a great service until lack of support from our side saw it close.


I keep harping on about apathy in British politics but for some reason the hunting community seems to be worse.


I know what you mean about the CA :yes: When i joined they sent a letter with the pack saying my membership and car sticker will be with you shortly months and months go on so i email them........NOTHING :icon_eek: sent a few more emails but suprise suprise NOTHING again :wallbash: Then i was at some game fair and i came across the stall so i got chatting to the chap he took my address and said when i get back into office on monday ill get it ent to you.........STILL NOTHING :thumbdown:


Alough im a member and support the CA i think there a bunch of dubwits when it comes to silly things like these!

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I'd rather just get on with what I do and keep myself to myself.

Case proven. ;)


Do you have no spine H+J???

Yep I do :yes:


I do more than most to help promote fieldsports, as much as I can anyway. I just personally couldnt be arsed to start a website where we can throw insults back and forth.


The labour governent are out and out against us, simple as that :censored:

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