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Stoping At Hedges

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Whats you thought about lamping daytime dog if you wont them for courseing people have sayed lamping makes them stop at the hedges but i have lamped mine and i think it makes them keener and wont to stop hares quickly thats pre ban anyway dont do them things now.

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I take it you mean lamp on rabbits? Never had a dog yet that doesn't know the difference between a rabbit getting to cover and a hare. Wouldn't say it makes them any more keener than a dog out daytime just as much as one doing both.

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rabbit, hare or whatever, commitment is commitment whether day or night, that doesn`t mean your dog has to do a bulldozer impresion everytime it reaches a hedge. an expierenced lamping dog will have learnt that rabbits will stop sometimes just inside the hedge, the same as a good daytime dog will have learnt that a hare will use a hedge to shake its pursuer and will follow it through or over. a good alrounder will have learnt both :thumbs:

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A lot of people say don't lamp a coursing dog because it will stop at hedges wont enter cover all of that nonsense I don't believe this other people might have different views on the matter I've lamped every dog I've owned hard and not one has stopped ;)


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why would anyone want to lamp a good coursing dog? two different games and different styles of running. like flat race and steeple chasers horses for courses . Some lads may have all round lurchers that will take a bit of anything but like the old saying jack of all trades and master of none.

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why would anyone want to lamp a good coursing dog? two different games and different styles of running. like flat race and steeple chasers horses for courses . Some lads may have all round lurchers that will take a bit of anything but like the old saying jack of all trades and master of none.

a jack of all trades will allways find work where as a master will get very choosey :laugh:

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