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Blue Mink

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Mink come in a massive range of colours



That's right mate, I worked on a mink farm years ago, they come in an amazing range of colours . In the wild though , natural selection favors the normal colour so as time goes on, you tend to find less and less of the mutated colours . In the early days of colonization they were far more common.

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Here's a pic of blue mink I caught more than 30 years ago - not too great a pic I'll accept but you'll get the gist - used to trap and dog dozens every year...mostly the normal minky rich black/brown white chest and chin but now and then there'd be different colours...thought I had better pics of this mink but it appears not... :thumbs:









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Looks very unusual


It was a female and it was caught on August 12th 1984 - wasn't very big - perhaps smaller than the usual female mink but it was a rich blue/grey colour...had one or two like it...rare though 'cause we killed hundreds of mink here in the Borders...I'm sure I have better pics somewhere... :thumbs:

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blue or silver mink as they are more comonly kown arnt that rare my dad had one a few year back and reard it from a kit tame but like grease lightning it used to catch roach in the bath his mate had a young black dog mink at same time bred it with a ferrert but no kits started to bite soon affter

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Back around the eighties I visited a shop in Islington. Taxidermists shop. Called " Get Stuffed ". I believe it's still there.


They offered all sorts of work, back then. Excellent to crap, which they bought in. They explained that the crap was cheap and suited some customers, like pubs, where the Theme was more important than the quality. Fair comment.


They had at least one " Blue " (Smoky grey, actually) mink in the window. Piece of shit, it was. All skinny and angular. Crimson paint stuffed into its widely open mouth.


That all suggests it was mounted by a complete novice. Probably trapped by him, or his mates? And not so note worthy as to have tried to get a better job done on it, or not flogged off cheap.


So; The ALF type loons were still letting farmed mink go, back then. Probably enough 'Blue' etc. ones amongst them. I guess there'll always be throw backs, even today. Just as albino's happen in wild rats.


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trapped a blue/silver mink in my chicken pen this year decent sized dog mink, I wish I new its pelt was worth something shame its well gone now


Worth nothing mate - we used to trap hundreds here and they were worth very little then so they'll be worth less now even rare/ish colours... :thumbs:

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