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a friend of mine who lives, not that far away, was feeding his game birds,when a silver peugot 406 pulled up, 2 lads got out and asked about his birds, my friend played it down and said they wer,nt what they thought, these lads knew the crack and would,nt go, until the big dog reared up, he didn,t get the reg no, not that it would have helped,but lads be on your guard,this was yesterday,and resulting in him getting rid of all his birds, aint it sad when you cant keep something you like without some one wanting to steal it from you.

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Your right, but there is always someone who cant be bothered to put the work in and would rather take it from someone else. I think sometimes the best way is to hide things in plain site. I had a cracking old engish game cockeral once and had him in with your bog standard black rock hens in my mums back garden. The neighbours probably didnt know what he was and there was no way I would have invited anyone that I met at a fayre round just in case. I could be selective with the people he had exposure to. My sisters friends, most others would have just found him cute and anyone I thought was dodgy and "knew the score" would not be invited in. I trust my instincts when it comes to meeting new people, they developed for a reason! Sorry for your mate, his instincts obviously screamed out "thieving scumbags" :thumbs:

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nothing worse, I had 400 quids worth of birds stolen last year from private allotments in the middle of nowhere, its a 200 yard walk from the road and you cant see them from the road, I just breed for pleasure now rather than for show or selling, just not worth all the effort and heartbreak if some theiving git decides to help himself.

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he did panic a bit, the thing is the birds were in a field next to his cottage,and the lane leads to a farm, these lads wer,nt meant to be there,and when you least expect something to happen thats when it will,you cant be at home all the time,and he only has one neigbhour,it would diffecult to get onto the field, there is only one way in, but if they got in that would be that,all birds would have gone, it sickens me that these oppotunist scum turn up, i had it here once with irish travellers, its only that fact i did,nt back down,called plod, told them if they came back,id use reasonable force to protect my livestock and family, that saved my butt,plod had a word with them,and told them i was well within my right to use what ever, if they entered my property and i felt threatened, get my drift, im sure my mate,would do the same, if they turned up after dark.

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