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Exmoor Hunting.

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Well it's the end of the season and all quite on here so i thought i'd take some time to re-minis about a day out hunting with the beagles on Exmoor.


A good friend of mine on here invited me along with him to a days hunting on exmoor and i jump at the opportunity . it was an early start i was up at 3.30 a quick cuppa ,loaded the hounds and off i went. it was a long journey down and we had a laugh although P did get a boring towards the end :laugh: . we arrived to tea and biscuits and on for bacon rolls and to discuss the plans for the day ahead. we met the guns who were a good bunch and new what they're job.

we made our way to the first draw and what struck me wasn't just how good the hospitality was and how friendly every one was but just how beautiful the place was. being a valley boy i used to the green green grass of home and all that but this place was breath taking with rolling hills one minute then steep sided wooded valleys the next, then from coastal pasture to vast open moor. The first draw was a nice little gorse valley with some rushes at the bottom the guns were in place and off P and I went . as we made our way though the rushes i was taken a back by the flocks of snipe getting up in front there were flocks of six or seven at a time and they just kept coming even P couldn't get over it. the rushes produced nothing in the way of auburn rabbits so we pushed on to a patch of gorse . as we made our way thou some movement caught my eyes then a massive stag stood just feet away from me and made off right in P's direction. ( i thought this is going to hurt). I Gave P a shout and fair play he can for move for a big man :laugh: . It only just missed him and i think that one would of more than hurt a little bit. we carried the the draw on up the valley i arched around as P hunted them up and they covered the ground well. they open a few times but only briefly on a fading line. hounds were loaded then on to the next draw.

the next place couldn't have been any different it was more like a Cumbrian fell with a lake at the bottom. and i was preying for one to get up as i watched P hunt them. in what would of been a great view of one rattling around such a place. we had two marked to ground and we moved on again to small gorse bank that didn't produce anything.

we stopped of for a well earned cuppa and a Delicious homemade flap jack which at the time i didn't know how much i'd need the energy later on. i think the hounds were glad of the break too because they had covered the ground well. tea over and time for the final draw of the day. it was a steep valley or goyle in exmoor with gorse one side and oak wood on the other. guns were set and we were off and it wasn't long before the hound were in full cry only to stop dead after only a hundred yards. ( another one to ground). we drew up to pens at the middle of the valley then arched right around to draw from the other side. it wasn't long before a wagging stern turned into 9 couple in full and going some too. what great music and the echo in the valley only served to amplifier it :boogy: . No shoots rang out the hounds kept going across the Brooke and though the oak wood. I was doing my best to keep up but with no check i had little hope and they kept going and going. One of the guns saw them on the tale of rabbit on the field above. after a about 45 mins P managed to call a few back until we were left three light. P Carried on calling as the underkeeper and i went to look. we were lucky really because there were plenty of sheep out grazing which helped to cut out a lot of ground. and going from one high point to the next i could hear the faint cry of hounds so we made our way as fast as we could . as we got closer I saw a ginger rabbit at full tilt in the small wood below us with three very tired hound in close pursuit . i just managed to stop them before they were heading for open ground again.

the problem we were facing now is that we had covered so much ground we were lost. i had a little chuckle to myself when the underkeeper didn't have a clue . we made a bee line for a row of cottages and the look on the old ladies face we spoke to doing her garden was a picture :blink::laugh: . we were picked up in good time and to then for some liquid refreshment. what a great day with some fantastic company. my girls were a little stiff the next day but they enjoyed it as much as i did. It's a day that will stay with me for years to come.



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That sounds brilliant, great write up.. I went out with my local pack twice this season, never been before and found it great fun. I will be signing up for next years for sure. Plus they let my basset run with them!

sounds like a top day Edited by shaneg
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According to the keeper's :hunter: down there, you only ran about 5 and a half miles you drama queen :laugh::laugh::laugh:


you should of stayed with the other's when they split, they had there reward only a mile or so away :doh:


awsome day though :thumbs:

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According to the keeper's :hunter: down there, you only ran about 5 and a half miles you drama queen :laugh::laugh::laugh:


you should of stayed with the other's when they split, they had there reward only a mile or so away :doh:


awsome day though :thumbs:


i was only out for a stroll. :laugh::laugh: .


it was a great day . i forgot to mention what happen when they split :whistling:

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few weeks ago the beagles went through me aunts garden by the black venus so me old man was telling me.........great hunting and great place to be ......


The Black Venus, now that brings back some memories..........


I think it was the first pub on Exmoor to offer garlic mushrooms; at least it was famous for it. Haven't been there for years now; may drop in for a pint next week just for old times sake :yes:


I presume that would be the TVB hunting the Challacombe country?

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few weeks ago the beagles went through me aunts garden by the black venus so me old man was telling me.........great hunting and great place to be ......


The Black Venus, now that brings back some memories..........


I think it was the first pub on Exmoor to offer garlic mushrooms; at least it was famous for it. Haven't been there for years now; may drop in for a pint next week just for old times sake :yes:


I presume that would be the TVB hunting the Challacombe country?

i think so mate,.......most me family are living with in a few mins walking distance of there....when i was a young lad i use to love meeting there with the fox hounds..........quality

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few weeks ago the beagles went through me aunts garden by the black venus so me old man was telling me.........great hunting and great place to be ......


The Black Venus, now that brings back some memories..........


I think it was the first pub on Exmoor to offer garlic mushrooms; at least it was famous for it. Haven't been there for years now; may drop in for a pint next week just for old times sake :yes:


I presume that would be the TVB hunting the Challacombe country?

i think so mate,.......most me family are living with in a few mins walking distance of there....when i was a young lad i use to love meeting there with the fox hounds..........quality



Yep, it's a nice part of the world.


Used to go up there on the Partridge shoot once in a while before Castle Hill had it.


If I remember correctly, it's right on the boundary between DWFH and EFH country? Could be wrong, but I vaguely remember going that way with the DWFH once or twice. Also remember having a row with a follower up there who called me a 'fox poacher' LOL. Old Mr Smyth soon put him straight.....

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