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Your Hunting Life?

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It is not very often someone sticks to the same discipline all their hunting days. Over the last 50 odd years I have been a ferreter, lamper, long netter and have even kept hawks for around 5 years. The only consistant is that my main quarry has always been rabbits.


What type of disciplines have you followed over the years?



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ferreting(rats mainly as rabbits were like rocking horse shit) and fishing as a very young lad, then canaries and finches along with shooting and terriers in my early teens, then all of that and hawks, then falcons, then breeding hawks along with running lurchers and all the rest in my early twenties, when the kids came along i just kept terriers and lurchers, eventally my digging days were gone due to health problems so just lurchers and more shooting. still much the same to this day only nowadays i preffer the lurchers to shooting but again health will dictate the future. i will probably end up with a spaniel or lab and just the shotgun, plus a new pipe and slippers :laugh: :laugh:

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Lamped rabbits and foxes, ferreting, tryed my hand at digging but it wasnt for me so back to the ferreting and lamping, also snared a few rabbits, trapped a few mink in my old cage trap but ive sold that now, would love to go ratting sometime and would love to find a colony of grey squirrels so i can try my hand at snaring them... Also tagged along a few times with local lads shooting goats and deer. I also would like to try my hand at other types of hunting abroad.

Tryed fishing but i caught feck all, really need someone who knows what their doing to show me the ropes

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I don,t know if you can call it a discipline , but a bit of daytime bushing has been a constant for me , ferreting lamping coursing etc all have their attractions , but just me and a couple of dogs wandering about does it for me .

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Fishing the canal & boating lake in Victoria park east London was my start , then further afield to Ongar ,that's when I watched a pheasant shoot which for a boy out of eastend was a real eye opener .Never got my 1st gun till I was 23,Zabala 12g ,meet a guy who had lurchers & terriers,shot & stalked . I was hooked. Have fished ,shot stalked ever since,stalking is my big thing along with the dog .The guy I met 35 years ago was the most generous man both in time & sporting opportunity who is still a great friend today ...

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I spent much of my youth fishing, it was my dad who got us in to it. Now I only really fly fish although I'd love to go sea fishing again.


I took up shooting a few years and its been very hard work to get in to it. Over the last few years my mate took me out rough shooting a few times and taught me a lot. Watching him work his spaniel has given me a passion for having my own working dogs one day. Being the impetuous fool I am I dived straight in completely clueless and did a great job screwing up my Labrador. I'd love a springer one day now that I'm starting to learn from my many mistakes :D.


I'd love to experience ferreting or coursing and maybe one day go stalking..anything that gets me out of the house really.

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Fishing was my passion from very young age,pike fishing in particular,allways had dogs/ferrets around but as pets....only got into ferreting last few years and love it...ironically the piking/ferreting seasons are the same :cray: not really into spinning etc in summer for pike ,consequently spent very little time behind the rods in recent years....

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hare was my main thing and deer as they paid the most but i am a rabbit man now daytime bushing and ferrets and night lamping had running dogs all my life over 40 odd years just a way of life keep going as long as i can you can not beat watching a young dog come on to be a good dog after putting your time in to it atb :thumbs:

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As a young teen i ferreted waste lands around s/e London, then got into other things for 20 years :whistling:

Then on moving to the countryside, and making a few mates that were into running dogs, i was hooked.

Mainly lamping all quarry at first, but now more into the ferreting, done a bit of shooting, but don't really rate it for sport.

Now my main interest is ferreting, lamping, phezzies with a catty day and night and bushing.

The common link is always having a hound along.

Edited by Paid
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