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Will The Minutes Silnce Work At The Football On Saturday.

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Once again football will be the easy target for societies failures..............regardless what your political views are a prime minister has nothing to do with football they dont represent the country the queen does..............personally id respect any minutes silence,but its unrealistic and plain stupid to think everyone will on saturday.

the cover up in hillsborough went to the top so that in cludes the pm n the Queen so that involves them in football.plus the tax of the gate goes towards the lobster fund thought any eastender would have more sence

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The minute silence is to show respect for someone who has passed away. Why would anyone observe it if they don't respect her? It's a load of pish anyhow, minute silence for politicians, queen mother..

If you asked me about Thatcher last week I would of ranted and raved about her exploits and given vent to my spleen for hours ,now though she is just an old lady who died , those who admired or respe

thatcher ,...............good or bad any body with a brain will respect the minute...........


Once again football will be the easy target for societies failures..............regardless what your political views are a prime minister has nothing to do with football they dont represent the country the queen does..............personally id respect any minutes silence,but its unrealistic and plain stupid to think everyone will on saturday.

the cover up in hillsborough went to the top so that in cludes the pm n the Queen so that involves them in football.plus the tax of the gate goes towards the lobster fund thought any eastender would have more sence

:icon_eek: ...............Ive never heard a prime minister making a football decision.........picking a team,tactics,substitutions..........nothing..............or is everyone who has ever used the word " football " in conversation involved in the game !

And i could be as daft as you and say somebody with " sense " should at least be able to spell it ................but i wont of course.

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Once again football will be the easy target for societies failures..............regardless what your political views are a prime minister has nothing to do with football they dont represent the country the queen does..............personally id respect any minutes silence,but its unrealistic and plain stupid to think everyone will on saturday.

the cover up in hillsborough went to the top so that in cludes the pm n the Queen so that involves them in football.plus the tax of the gate goes towards the lobster fund thought any eastender would have more sence

:icon_eek: ...............Ive never heard a prime minister making a football decision.........picking a team,tactics,substitutions..........nothing..............or is everyone who has ever used the word " football " in conversation involved in the game !

And i could be as daft as you and say somebody with " sense " should at least be able to spell it ................but i wont of course.

night school :whistling:

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as for people being daft.look no further than the eastenders hoking through bomb sites while quieenie and her ilk were dining on lobsters.how many belong to them went over the top.

What you keep going on about eastenders for..........tell you what son,you have the last word............if i could spell like you....id want the last word ;)

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if anybodys foolish enough to expect football fans in the north of england to give thatcher a minutes silence then they want thier fooking heads testing,the woman is a hate figure,she caused total misery to hundreds of thousands ,to this day farthers dont talk to sons ,mothers dont talk to daughters ,people who grew up together even now still hate each other ,the misery caused to communitys was unreal,pits and industrys were shut down and whole communitys were left to rot ,the hardship sufferd was emence,the real price of thatchers policies can be measured by ,divorce,suicide,poverty,and hardship,former thriving communitys were wiped of the map.

thatcher showed northerners no mercy ,and im sure come 3oclock on saturday northerners will let the world know what they think of of thatcher .

rant over.......jim

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........i dont see it as a rich against poor conflict ,....im poorer than poor but i will give a minute for any one even me worst enemies,.....as long as someone hasnt done anything morally wrong,....we had a local buisnessman murdered here ,....he would buy run down buisnesses and promise them this and that and stitch them up and come out smelling of roses financially time and time again......

well his down fall was when he stitched up a bloke who lost his house and familiy ,...........he went round to his house and shot him on his own door step and then killed himself in the church yard........

would i put iron lady in the category as this buisnessman ,..........me personally i wouldnt .......

i wouldnt give the buisnessman a minute of my piss......but was lady thatcher really that bad,.......i morally think she wasnt , it was the same for every person who lived under her reign . each to there own....and it has been said she wouldnt of let these aliens on our land .......

Ok So What Your Saying Is A Man With Power Who Stitched People Up To The Extreme That 1 Lost There Home And Family You Wouldn't Give Him A Minutes Silence . . Though You'd Give Thatcher That Honour !! Well If You Knew What Her Actions Brought To Millions You'd Be In A Good Position To See There Reasons For Showing Her No Respect !

well if you want togo down this road ,....................what is are goverment doing right now...............

i know people who have to move from homes where they have alot of memories not being able to afford to pay the bedroom tax ..........

no matter what .........everyone is stitched up some how ,...............how did they ;loose there family.........?

its each to there own ,...........i wouldnt boo a minutes silence ,.......

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If you check the news reports on Google, leading up to Saturday? Put simply; They realised it was gonna be a total disaster so nobody tried to pull it off.


Now there appears to be a complete news black out on the issue. This one'll go right under the carpet.

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see john aldridge giving her a touching.laying the cover up at hillsborough firmly with her.he also slates wigan chairman dave whealen for saying thatcher should be appreciated by football fans and deserved a minutes silence to note her passing :icon_eek:

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