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cant talk for terriers, but lurcher judge did handle the dogs, mine was more interested in the smells the bitches were leaving on the ground, therefore dogs n bitches in same ring, not a good idea, the racing needs a major tweaking, nothing that cant be sorted, passed on a few ideas to them, so hopefully next year, everything going to run smoothly, good luck --------den

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Berwichshire hunt terrier, lurcher, bull dog, gun dog show with novelty classes and racing for all. Sunday the 12 th of may, 12 o'clock at marygold duns. TD11 3RJ

was down had gd day the boy won res champ with his russell dog as marty said thought dogs n bitches in at same time daft

champ and res terriers andri with red lakie and toddhunter jr with russell    

  On 13/05/2013 at 13:57, weeblackdog said:

I agree with the posts above. He never really handled the terriers. Just a wee clap and looked at their mouths. He never spanned any of them that I saw. In the patterdale/ fell class he pulled 6 dogs out, all of which were strong dogs, not one bitch! Just goes to show he was lookin for strong solid dogs and a bitch will never b as strong as a dog!! Should have been split as it was a huge class. When I was walking my dogs away and back to him he wasn't even looking! A bit of a joke really!

He picked my dog in that class and she is a bitch.?

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  On 12/05/2013 at 18:48, big marty said:

Me n scottish hare hunter were down today....good wee show, could be doing with more classes tho, dogs n bitches in together are never a good idea.....

I have gone for a lot of years and that was the biggest turnout, I missed my class as they added all the russels together and didn't realise, but no loss don't realy care about the winning of shows, only took 1 of my dogs too many pets now. my bitch just wants to kill everything easy to explain to a working dog owner, but to a pet in a pink harness doesn't go down well

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  On 13/05/2013 at 16:18, jamie mc said:


  On 13/05/2013 at 13:57, weeblackdog said:


I agree with the posts above. He never really handled the terriers. Just a wee clap and looked at their mouths. He never spanned any of them that I saw. In the patterdale/ fell class he pulled 6 dogs out, all of which were strong dogs, not one bitch! Just goes to show he was lookin for strong solid dogs and a bitch will never b as strong as a dog!! Should have been split as it was a huge class. When I was walking my dogs away and back to him he wasn't even looking! A bit of a joke really!

He picked my dog in that class and she is a bitch.?
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  On 13/05/2013 at 13:08, toddhunter said:

same terrier judge done the duke of buccleugh show few yrs back n said to the guy in class

"mate your dog only has one knacker the owner said hope not its a bitch "lol lol at that show he was more into drinkin stella than judgen

that was ma wee border bitch he did that to, had good day oot wisny happy wi dogs and bitches togeather apart fi that good day

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  On 15/05/2013 at 19:41, andri said:

Good to see a well attended Scottish hunt show , with a bit of tuning this could be one of the better ones . Well done to all concerned.


Best regards



your right mate i dont think they have any one in the know about shows even the racing it was only a bit of crack for me but we were asked before the first race how we wanted to do things as for the judges the lurcher judge seemed good but the terrier judge as alot have said could of done a better job with abit of graft this could turn out to be a good show

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  On 13/05/2013 at 21:04, toddhunter said:

champ and res terriers andri with red lakie and toddhunter jr with russell





Hi Andri , you are looking a bit red about the cheeks mate. :icon_redface::icon_redface:


You been of the pop again???


Nice pic of bitch tho..... ha ha. :thumbs:

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