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Bull x's

Guest Bunny Basher

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not single handed bag but a good one none the less.. so how did yours get on with the red ones ??? you got your pictures of the 3 or 4 that you have done in a night?? thought not... all this my dog your dog gets a little boring


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Im nearly 15 years old and have seen at least 5 bull x's working and 2 of them chased sheep, 1 of those 2 grabbed a cow and a different 1, when we walked through some horses grabbed hold of the horse before getting kicked off :wallbash: ive seen them catch and chase rabbits but never hares. 3 of them did catch foxes pre ban.


I know there will be plenty of good ones but the ones i have seen were not :no:


What are your experiences on bullx's?




you talk shite apw,just like your old man,and the king off bullshitters vick minshaw,if you like rabbiting fair play,but to me its like watching paint dry,now get of you soap box and give it a rest,because everytime someone takes you up on one of your challenges you get all the cunters united gang to come on here to gang up and swear till the mods remove the thread,fact is you have rabbit and doubled up hare dogs,big deal,evey minshaw dog i seen was a fox away from jacking lol,,doubled up lamped hares lol,lol,lol,

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The bull cross is one of the finest looking running dogs on the planet today. Found them easy to train but better suited to larger game. On foxes they tended to be poor killers and maul rather than kill their fox straight out but as far as an all round dog for the average hunter you would not pass up a WELL BRED bull cross.

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Guest ceredigion bull cross

well said BOB , all that you have typed above is 100% true and accurate , apw is full of shit , and if you don't agree with something on cunters united or if you get into a heated debate with bunny basher as i did a few weeks ago , then apw will delete you from cunters united as she did with me .......just because i think minshaw dogs are fox jackers .

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Guest ceredigion bull cross
You clowns know nothing of the strain,english bull... :doh: ,whoever said such things CBC :wallbash:


an uncle of mine used to travell the country {he's dead now } and he had no time for minshaw lurchers coz there is english bull in the line ........ FACT coz he was there when the line first started , now go and get your facts straight bunny basher , minshaw bullshited about his breed line coz he did'nt want anybody to know what went into them , but one old gypsy knew the truth MY UNCLE , the fact is minshaw lurchers jack on fox {pre ban} coz they don't like pain , so don't compare them to bull x's that love the taste of pain

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Guest Bunny Basher

Believe you me there is NO English Bull Terrier in the strain,Staffordshire Bull way back,infact almost 40 years ago as it was the late 60's so it's as good as totally diluted now,your uncle knew nothing about them unfortunately...so please get your facts correct CBC :thumbs:

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Guest ceredigion bull cross

now then folks you see what we have here is somebody determined to cause an argument , so that the mods on this site get fed up and delete the thread , so no swearing from me , and as far as the dribble that bunny basher has just posted well what a load of old cods wallop , that's the same as bull's droppings :haha: my facts are correct , and now lets move on to a contradiction , at the start of this topic you were slagging off bull crosses and now you admit to having bull crossed into your own stuff ........ooh i'm sorry you hav'nt got a dog have you Bunny Basher :feck:

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Guest ceredigion bull cross
Im nearly 15 years old and have seen at least 5 bull x's working and 2 of them chased sheep, 1 of those 2 grabbed a cow and a different 1, when we walked through some horses grabbed hold of the horse before getting kicked off :wallbash: ive seen them catch and chase rabbits but never hares. 3 of them did catch foxes pre ban.


I know there will be plenty of good ones but the ones i have seen were not :no:


What are your experiences on bullx's?




look here .........slagging off bull x's :feck::feck:

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