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Has Anyone Had This Problem With Terriers

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Did you get the dog as a puppy? if so i would put his behaviour down to disobedience and not respecting you when you recall him, if you got him when he was a bit older then i'd say it's because he probably done it in his last home and came back whenever the heck he felt like it. If he were mine he'd be on a lead and never let off till i knew the swine was responding to me, i wouldn't be using collars of any kind, a dog should want to be with you and work with you not be forced into it through pain or bribed into it with food,pet hate of mine is people giving dogs titbits to get them to respond to them..... jmho :)

Some dogs respond to love/affection, some to food it's the reward that works. I've maintained throughout that the collar should be the last resort :thumbs:


I trained a staff to be a bloody good gundog through the use of heavy play and cheese :laugh:


yes it's each to their own when training their dogs to respond, but i personally never have or will use food to have any of my dogs respond, if i need them to come back to me very quickly in a situation when out and about i want them to respond to me and come straight back there and then,i dont want to be digging around in my pockets for food or maybe forget to lift food to bribe them with, i just find a pat on the head and a "good lad/lass" works, but as you say... everybody has their own ways of working :)

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Collars IMO only have a place in about 0.5% of disobedience cases & 99.5% of owners haven't got a clue on how & when to use it. It's far from a magic fix as its been said its a very quick roa

be for you get to the pond put him on the lead then he cant run off can he be a responsible dog owner once bitten twice shy as the saying goes

we had a russle when we was kids what used to jump out the bedroom window on to the lawn top little dog that 110% worker on postmen

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