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Has Anyone Had This Problem With Terriers

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hi i have a patterdale x jrt he has always done as told till a few month ago when he started to run off :hmm: when out on walks to the pond about 3 mile frome home,i wait 30min or so to see if he comes bk an he never does so i go home then a couple of hour and he is scratching the door to come in,its driving me mad has anyone had this problem that could help me out?


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Collars IMO only have a place in about 0.5% of disobedience cases & 99.5% of owners haven't got a clue on how & when to use it. It's far from a magic fix as its been said its a very quick roa

be for you get to the pond put him on the lead then he cant run off can he be a responsible dog owner once bitten twice shy as the saying goes

we had a russle when we was kids what used to jump out the bedroom window on to the lawn top little dog that 110% worker on postmen

  On 09/04/2013 at 05:08, dymented said:

be for you get to the pond put him on the lead then he cant run off can he be a responsible dog owner once bitten twice shy as the saying goes

i get what your saying pal the only time he is off the lead now is when i'm on my bike he always stays at the side of me when i stop on goes the lead lol,was just wondering if anyone on here has owned terriers that did this and did they grow out of it. thanks

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had a staffxpat that used to feck off he could scale 7ft fences one minute he was next to you on the yard then i`d get a phonecall saying he was in the next village ... he used to like a rummble with the local cats sometimes late at night i`d hear him scambling fences looking for em .. my mum took him on and he never left her side untill he died he changed overnight -- one habit he never stopped you could walk him miles but he always used to jump on a neighbours low wall and have a shit -- he soon found a low wall on his walks with my mum :D

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Back to basics mate.


Failing that the only thing I can think is a collar mate (aside from having him on the lead which should always be a first). Soon as he starts to fuuck off. Call him - nothing, call him again - vibrate if he don't get it shock the wee fecker and call him back normally. Never use the collar in anger and never get angry when you've shocked him you want the little sod to come belting back to ya with a wtf look on his face but looking for love :thumbs:

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The first dog I had (beagle x terrier x heinz 57) when I was 10 was a b*****d for running off every cat,squirrel, even bloody birds in flight hed be gone over even our tallest fence 6ft + and if I was lucky id find him, but mostly a day or so later hed turn up miles away covered in shite. Many a sleepless night worrying if id see the bugger again :)

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  On 10/04/2013 at 18:25, mushroom said:

Back to basics mate.


Failing that the only thing I can think is a collar mate (aside from having him on the lead which should always be a first). Soon as he starts to fuuck off. Call him - nothing, call him again - vibrate if he don't get it shock the wee fecker and call him back normally. Never use the collar in anger and never get angry when you've shocked him you want the little sod to come belting back to ya with a wtf look on his face but looking for love :thumbs:

going to give this a go pal thanks :victory:

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