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A Rabbit Stalk On A Breezy Evening

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Nipped out to one of my perms this evening, just before dark to see if there were any rabbits about. The land owner tells me the numbers have started to slowly increase and with him getting ready to begin planting his vegetables on his commercial plot he's keen that I make a start picking them off before their numbers increase too much.


To say it was breezy is a bit of an understatement. I spotted the first rabbit as soon I got out of the car but as it was a small kit I decided to leave it for another day. My rationale was that it couldn't do too much damage at the moment and I see it as pointless to take its life if it can't provide a meal - it would seem such as waste.


After a brief chat with the landowner I made my way over the fence and into the adjacent field. As soon as I climbed the fence I spotted a fully grown rabbit towards the bottom of the field. After a quick blip with the laser rangefinder I found it was 85 yards away. The field slopes downwards but there's a slight rise in the middle so my plan was to get down low and close the distance until I could get within a reasonable range. After loading the rifle and donning my camo head net I crept along the hedgerow for as long as I could before dropping to the prone position and belly crawling the rest.


A second blip with the rangefinder found me within 45 yards. I was half tempted to take the shot but decided against it due to the conditions. Judging the windage at that range in these conditions would not have been easy and it was not a shot I was willing to take on a live animal.


After another few minutes I'd got within 35 yards and prepared to take the shot. Giving 1.5 mil dots hold over and 1 mil dot for windage I sent the 13.4 grain Falcon Accuracy Plus on its way and it found its mark just behind the rabbit's eye and under the ear. The rabbit rolled over without so much as a twitch. A perfect shot in difficult conditions. On closer inspection I found the pellet had passed clearly through its head, taking its other eye with it.. And to top it all off I managed to get it all on film too. I'll upload it soon so watch this space!


Edited by Elliott
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Flipping quality little vid Elliott mate! You can keep them coming! Nice rifle to boot!


Oh and your idea of breezy and mine are clearly two different things ha ha, that would be a nightmare to shoot in down here.


All the best



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