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Best Pellets For Daystate Mk3 .177

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I have owned my Mk3 for over 6 months now and have tried Air Arms Fields, Falcon Accuracy plus and Daystate Lis with good accuracy -with the Lis coming out as the most accurate so far.
Wondering what any owners use in thier Mk3s for general hunting (I'd prefer to stay clear of pointed or hollow points) :thumbs: as I'd like to try a few.

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JSB Exact,s are a fantastic pellet, i will only use these in my huntsman classic, 2nd to these are the RWS Superfield, also an excellent pellet, the rangemaster li are an ok pellet but i have found them to be too inconsistent,


if i was only allowed to use one pellet then the JSB Exact,s would be my number one choice

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Crosman Premiers (7.9 grain, not the Ultra Magnums which are 10.5 grain) are reputed to be the same pellet as Daystate Li's!


I would also try Prometheus Defiants as these were absolutely the mutt's in my X2 and I will be trying them in my Mark 3, once I have run out of Air Arms Fields (which came with the gun)!

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best groups at 30 yrds with mine is with bis-mags, if I do my bit it will put 10 pellets in a 5p circle


I have tried the magnums, and they were very accurate, just the weight means I was having to give far more holdover than I would like at further ranges.

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