FUJI 17,328 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 she brought the country to a stand still and killed off the mines and everything in the north east i for one will not miss her she is like cammeron kick the poore while there down,i hope the worms and maggots enjoy there feed she done sod all for the working class What did your man from Sedgefield do for you then? f**k all lol...I live in West Cumbria,also mining communities infact I live in one of the most deprived areas in the uk..check it out on google lol..i vote for no c**t,Gordon Brown f****d the country with his fiasco,borrow,borrow and more borrowing now some f****r has to pay all what HE borrowed back..Blair the puppet sent us to Iraq and Afghanistan on false lies..for what? The country was f****d with the unions trying to hold the country to ransom with their striking and three days working week when Thatcher was in charge..she stood up to them..they didn't like being bullied just as they had tried to do themselves..wages are the lowest in England here,no silver spoons here,far from it...Labour,Tory f**k em...hail the new dawn :-) Link to post Share on other sites
baw 4,360 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 Who did TB and new labour get in to advise them when they came into office? Maggie. show me where they did that,and no im not a labour voter before you ask.They had round to number 10 but it wasnt for advice.in fact when brown had her round,id wager by the time she didnt know what day of the week it was.Labour had there own advisor and master of spin in Allister campbell. If its true or false? I dont know if Iam honest, what i do know is... over my life time I have been no better or worse off under any goverment The only thing NEW labour did for me was ban my lifetime passion of hunting with dogs Amen to that. Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,832 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 Am I correct in my belief that she was explicit in not wanting a state funeral? As well as insisiting on buying much of what she needed/used while in office rather than exploiting the expenses system? Link to post Share on other sites
riohog 5,815 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 wonder what what life would have been like if old enoch had have made pm ? Link to post Share on other sites
pritch 335 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 Coming from a coal mining family i can remember the big strike and the hardship she put our community through . Hard working men and women losing their homes etc 30 years ago now but she will always be despised . I hope she rots in hell !scargill was to blame for that fiasco , if Joe Gormley had been running the show I doubt the miners would have had to have gone on strike, as it was daft Arthur led the men out and Maggie smacked his arse. what a load of shite, the bitch came in with the objective of breaking the unions & the miners where the strongest & she went all out to break them i was no scargill fan by any means & his arrogance certainly did the miners no favors but he said thatcher (spit) wanted to close down the mines, at the time the most productive in the world & how was are mining industry 10 years later SHUT along with the rest of the production in the country. she would never have seen a 2nd term only for the falklands she was hated before that it was the only thing that saved her & we are now living her legacy where where we import 90% of everything we consume,record unemployment & the gap between the rich & poor widening everyday country put on it's knees by the banks that she gave the freedom to do as they pleased & answering to no one.hope she burns in hell for all eternity 1 Link to post Share on other sites
FUJI 17,328 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 Have a good days lads..I'm off with the dogs for a walk..all the best to you all :-) ...whichever side of the fence you sit? Link to post Share on other sites
baw 4,360 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 8million quid to bury her lol they just love wasting our cash dont they. If this was the 80's I'm sure a lot of folk would have paid that to see her buried lol. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Huan72 687 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 People obviously have extreme views ot her because she had extreme views! If you look at politicians from the past at least some of them had the courage to stand for what they believed in. Now we are in a situation were those ruling us went to the same elite private schools and universities as those running big business and financial institutions. No wonder this countries on its knees, their lining each others pockets, just look at the expenses scandal, they even vote for their own pay rise. Wish i could do that!! I would imagine that more decisions are made in boys clubs and corridors than are made in parliment.............I for one will never trust any politician.........there in the game to feather their own nests and keep us under the thumb as much as possible. Those men that lost all to save us from a tyrant (Hitler), would be disgusted now to see the way the people of the UK are being treated, fleeced and stomped on by their own politicians. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
pritch 335 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 we have a bakers shop,my dad is 47 and says she was the best thing that happened to this country.standing up to the miners and she stopped paying them their high wages for doing little,and she helped us buy our council house and helped small buisnesses also stood up to the argentinians well tell yer dad he's a prick,sold council houses at less than market value which led to slum landlords charging what ever they wanted which inturn led to house prices rocketing which led to banks lending mortgages with no deposit at rates that where unsustainable & here we are now people losing their homes folk can't get a mortgage for love nor money next to no social housing so back to private/slum landlords charging what they want.the mines where the most productive in the world at the time,& small businesses won't flourish if everyone in the area is unemployed as folk have said 20 plus years later communities have still not recovered from the actions of that spiteful hag 1 Link to post Share on other sites
baw 4,360 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 we have a bakers shop,my dad is 47 and says she was the best thing that happened to this country.standing up to the miners and she stopped paying them their high wages for doing little,and she helped us buy our council house and helped small buisnesses also stood up to the argentinians well tell yer dad he's a prick,sold council houses at less than market value which led toslum landlords charging what ever they wanted which inturn led to house prices rocketing which led to banks lending mortgages with no deposit at rates that where unsustainable & here we are now people losing their homes folk can't get a mortgage for love nor money next to no social housing so back to private/slum landlords charging what they want.the mines where the most productive in the world at the time,& small businesses won't flourish if everyone in the area is unemployed as folk have said 20 plus years later communities have still not recovered from the actions of that spiteful hag If these mines were so productive, why didn't labour etc get them reopened? Not all council houses were bought by scum bag landlords, you can make anything sound good...... Hunting with dogs was banned cos scumbags with bull crosses were killing everything in sight..... See its easy. 3 Link to post Share on other sites
mushroom 13,335 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 what would you say her accomplishments has prime minister were gnash? .i personally believe she destroyed this country ,she changed the identity of great britain as it were .for ever . I dont get into debates on subjects i dont know enough about and i really dont have a great knowledge or interest in politics Brookie........my simple point is the fact a grocers daughter reached the very highest level of her profession.............i admire that. That said,do you think she left the country in a worse state than she found it then ?.......just out of interest like. gnash i think she destroyed this country and its heritage .i firmly believe the countries like it is now because of what this woman did when she was in power Think what the country was like before Thatcher, 3 day week, black outs, rubbish not collected.., Love or hate her she was firm in her beliefs and turned this country around economically plus she terrified what was left of the soviets and the rest of the world because they knew she'd push the button Made Britain strong imo Labour came along and made us weak again Now give UKIP a chance RIP Maggie yes she destroyed all the industry in this country .she sold all the family silver as well .privatisation brought about huge price increasing .she destroyed communities and didnt give two fucks .about kids around the country starving to near death .she dressed soldiers up as filth and gave them free hand to batter working class men standing up for theyre jobs theyre homes and theyre families .she destroyed the unions as well .the same unions that would have not allowed all these tens of thousands of foreigners into our country taking all the jobs .why do you think theres an acute housing shortage in this country today .maggie did nothing good for this country and dont kid yourself that she did . theres thousands of penshioners today and children sitting in theyre houses freezing cold because they cannot afford the heating thanks to her privatising the energy companies .the poll tax .i could go on and on .but we will agree on one thing and thats ukip next for me Unions ie scargill and his like caused the strikes face it they had too much power, pulled the wool over the workers eyes and Maggie saw through them and broke them. Unfortunately the workers were hoodwinked into the war by union cronies and became casualties. Agree the housing shortage today is an impact from mass immigration but you want to look to Labour for that one. Gas was really cheap until early 2000's remember? Why because we had reserves in the North Sea which thanks to privatisation we had the money invested to source it. The lack of money now can be traced straight to Labour - Blair and his cronies. The last Conservative government handed over a country wealthy, powerful economically (Financial capital of the world), the pension fund was overflowing, the gold reserves were at their highest recorded, we had subsidised energy, unemployment was on the fall, I could go on. Shroom 3 Link to post Share on other sites
scroat 62 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 THE IRON LADY..............Rust in peace. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
TOPPER 1,809 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 seems to me theres alot on here spouting shite as they never lived the thatcher years , maggies gone to heaven not hell cast your minds back those that are old enough 3 day weeks no leccy rubbish stacked up everywhere the country was bankrupt then maggie got in and sorted the shit pie out she had to sell the familty silver to invest in north sea gas etc as the country had no money she encourged people to work hard and get on she put people on the property ladder by selling them there house at knock down money many of those miners didnt moan at that did they , she stood up to the unions etc and got this country profitable all through the thatcher years we were a very rich country then the loony labour got back in and pissed it all away to the state we are in today we badly need another maggie someone with the bollocks to stand up to the twats in brussells and the dogooders to sort things out but i dont think any of todays so called politions are up to the job maggie didnt shaft the hardworking miners of this country it was there inabilty to see what was happening good old arthur sargill and his merry men pulling the wool over there eyes and selling them down the river you never saw them go hungrey always in there posh suits living the high life whilst the miners faminly stood in line at soup kitchens hoping for some grub , yes it was hard time s for some but alot made it that way for themselves maggie didnt allways get it right ie the poll tax was a good idea but it was given to councils to administer and all the labour councils done eveything in there power to make it fail if it had been a central goverment thing it could have been a different story ,, Margaret Thatcher a true patriot and the best thing to happen to this little island called the UK RIP 8 Link to post Share on other sites
pritch 335 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 Can you remember the 80's, boom and bust, negative equity and all that WHATS THE DIFFERANCE BETWEEN TODAY AND THEN? and i been asked to ask you which government got us in that shit in the 80s and which government got us in the shit where in today,plus banned our hunting,least the miners could go and have a days coursing if they where of work with there whippets now today we cant do f**k all the difference was everyone worked & their was industry to pay off debts & while she dismantled british industries everyone else invested in theirs now we can't catch up & as has been said she took us into the age of accountants & bankers & all was well for a while as they fixed the numbers making a profit where non existed & paying bonuses to themselves but you can only fix the mumbers for so long before it comes home to roost, well it came home to roost big time & nearly bankrupted the country & how many have been brought up before the courts or had anything more than the loss of their jobs Link to post Share on other sites
The Seeker 3,048 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 Youve got to say one thing for her with all these varid comments she certainly wasnt dull Andy McNab in his book Immediate Action writes of Margaret Thatcher "She had met the demands during the Embassy siege, she had personally sent the team in to bring it to an end. She might as well have had a bed space down in Hereford - she always seemed to be there. I respected her no-nonsense approach, and she laughed at the jokes. She might have been the only one walking around with a handbag but she was as tough as any man when it came to the crunch. She was in the CQB (killing) house once when we burst in and pumped live rounds into targets either side of her. One of her aides curled up into a ball. Maggie looked at him and snapped 'Get up you fool'." 2 Link to post Share on other sites
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