bigdaz 688 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 I was born in the shadow of Ravenscraig steel works in north lanarkshire and my father and brother worked there for a spell. Men were walking in to the nightshift with their sleeping bag rolled up under their arm, men were clocking each other in and out getting paid when they weren't even there. When it closed people walked away with generous redundancy packages, my mate who was in just over three years got nearly thirty grand and put through his bus licence, so did many others, in fact it was commonly pointed out at the latter end if it hadn't closed there would have been riots. The same men used their redundancy to buy their council houses, suited many people at the time. Funny how they sit now and decry Thatcher and the tories now. A quick question to all those lamenting the closure of the pits, why in thirteen years of labour was there never a pit reopened, don't cite not financially viable, costs too great please, these were the reasons they were shut initially. I would have thought a labour goverment along with the unions would have made this a priority, they did enough crying when they tories closed them. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Waz 4,266 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 Must of been around 10 and can remember all of us kids at school in the playground shouting "MAGGIE MAGGIE MAGGIE......OUT OUT OUT". Dunno why though, guess we must have seen it on the telly LOL Link to post Share on other sites
baw 4,360 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 Your on a roll brookie :laugh: Never understand why people always need someone to blame I come from a working class family and my old man did ok by us, was employed throughout the 80's and he always said fuuck the unions they'll take your money and give fec all but stress in return at least you pay the government and get healthcare security. Unions caused the crap why on earth people fail to see this.... Ah maybe it's because pride will be hurt to admit that maybe they backed the wrong three legged horse and the unions rhetoric and sabre rattling wasn't the way to go about it. As for the closures why would anyone want to close SUCCESSFUL industry down? I've dealt with several global mining companies, Arcelormital, Orica and even our very own local British coal all these companies have one thing in common if there's money in the ground they're digging it up no matter where it is, so why are these pits still closed? Why did Labour instead of creating thousands of worthlessss high paid jobs not reopen the pits using the money to nationlise them again? I said that 3 pages ago 2 Link to post Share on other sites
TOMO 26,458 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 The woman was amazing I mean come on all the good things she managed, Jesus she even helps me still with my sexlife.... nearing the moment of joy I just think of Maggie and I'm good for another 10 minutes lier ,,,1 min 1 Link to post Share on other sites
pritch 335 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 The woman was amazing I mean come on all the good things she managed, Jesus she even helps me still with my sexlife.... nearing the moment of joy I just think of Maggie and I'm good for another 10 minutes your a sick man & need a lot of help 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Lab 10,979 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 The woman was amazing I mean come on all the good things she managed, Jesus she even helps me still with my sexlife.... nearing the moment of joy I just think of Maggie and I'm good for another 10 minutes Hope your misses comments on here soon she f***ing hates her since Maggies the reason you lie on top of her for another 10mins... Link to post Share on other sites
mushroom 13,186 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 what would you say her accomplishments has prime minister were gnash? .i personally believe she destroyed this country ,she changed the identity of great britain as it were .for ever . I dont get into debates on subjects i dont know enough about and i really dont have a great knowledge or interest in politics simple point is the fact a grocers daughter reached the very highest level of her profession.............i admire that. That said,do you think she left the country in a worse state than she found it then ?.......just out of interest like. gnash i think she destroyed this country and its heritage .i firmly believe the countries like it is now because of what this woman did when she was in power Think what the country was like before Thatcher, 3 day week, black outs, rubbish not collected.., Love or hate her she was firm in her beliefs and turned this country around economically plus she terrified what was left of the soviets and the rest of the world because they knew she'd push the button Made Britain strong imo Labour came along and made us weak again Now give UKIP a chance RIP Maggie yes she destroyed all the industry in this country .she sold all the family silver as well .privatisation brought about huge price increasing .she destroyed communities and didnt give two fucks .about kids around the country starving to near death .she dressed soldiers up as filth and gave them free hand to batter working class men standing up for theyre jobs theyre homes and theyre families .she destroyed the unions as well .the same unions that would have not allowed all these tens of thousands of foreigners into our country taking all the jobs .why do you think theres an acute housing shortage in this country today .maggie did nothing good for this country and dont kid yourself that she did . theres thousands of penshioners today and children sitting in theyre houses freezing cold because they cannot afford the heating thanks to her privatising the energy companies .the poll tax .i could go on and on .but we will agree on one thing and thats ukip next for me Unions ie scargill and his like caused the strikes face it they had too much power, pulled the wool over the workers eyes and Maggie saw through them and broke them. Unfortunately the workers were hoodwinked into the war by union cronies and became casualties. Agree the housing shortage today is an impact from mass immigration but you want to look to Labour for that one. Gas was really cheap until early 2000's remember? Why because we had reserves in the North Sea which thanks to privatisation we had the money invested to source it. The lack of money now can be traced straight to Labour - Blair and his cronies. The last Conservative government handed over a country wealthy, powerful economically (Financial capital of the world), the pension fund was overflowing, the gold reserves were at their highest recorded, we had subsidised energy, unemployment was on the fall, I could go on. Shroom privatization why was gas,electric,water,bt council houses all sold at below the market value & that financial capital has just brought the country to it's knees bailing it out, nowt to do with any goverment other than they never regulated it tightly enough that's why it happened world wide not just here the whole lot was a house of cards ffs Because the investment needed to totally modernise Britains service's infrastructure was massive and nobody was going to pay full price for a company that would need the same amount again reinvested. Look at the internet, BT literally single handed took the UK into the next century. Link to post Share on other sites
jonah. 775 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 The woman was amazing I mean come on all the good things she managed, Jesus she even helps me still with my sexlife.... nearing the moment of joy I just think of Maggie and I'm good for another 10 minutes your a sick man & need a lot of help a blue pill should do the trick! Link to post Share on other sites
mushroom 13,186 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 The woman was amazing I mean come on all the good things she managed, Jesus she even helps me still with my sexlife.... nearing the moment of joy I just think of Maggie and I'm good for another 10 minutes your a sick man & need a lot of help It's been said a number of times mate The woman was amazing I mean come on all the good things she managed, Jesus she even helps me still with my sexlife.... nearing the moment of joy I just think of Maggie and I'm good for another 10 minutes Hope your misses comments on here soon she f*****g hates her since Maggies the reason you lie on top of her for another 10mins... Let's just say Maggie is so popular in our house there's a signed picture of her above the bed and in the kitchen :laugh: Link to post Share on other sites
Malt 379 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 Thatcher wanted the pits closed, why? One thing I've never understood about all this, if there's so much coal why isn't someone mining it now? They are mining it, did you it read that post that Paulus cross posted from Facebook? There is 300 years worth of the purest anthracite in the ground in my little area of Wales alone, and that's nothing compared to the S Wales valleys.. We were never a major coal producing region though, and our industry was gone long before Thatcher was even born. There are numerous theories as to why they closed the mines.. Spite, revenge, saving the coal until we run out of oil and are technologically advanced enough to use it to produce clean energy, but my personal view is that they were closed as a method of control to stop people standing up against the government in an organised protest movement. With the closure of the mines and other heavy industries, the working class people lost a massive rallying point that could be used to stand up against tyranny. They could no longer hold the government to account by withdrawing their labour. Think what damage a very organised and angry group of a few hundred thousand could do if they decided to descend on London en masse.. You saw with the riots a few years back what a few thousand (idiots) could do with a few messages sent to each other on Facebook, imagine what could have happened with 2 - 300,000 or more angry people with an axe to grind.. Link to post Share on other sites
baw 4,360 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 Your never going to win a popularity contest if your having to close anything down because its viably impossible to keep running. It's ok saying don't privatize the railways etc but who pays for the upkeep? Roads will be next to go, they are a disgrace. Did all the labour lovers complain when they were closing rural schools and post offices? Link to post Share on other sites
mick hucknell 17 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 Can you remember the 80's, boom and bust, negative equity and all that WHATS THE DIFFERANCE BETWEEN TODAY AND THEN? and i been asked to ask you which government got us in that shit in the 80s and which government got us in the shit where in today,plus banned our hunting,least the miners could go and have a days coursing if they where of work with there whippets now today we cant do f**k all the difference was everyone worked & their was industry to pay off debts & while she dismantled british industries everyone else invested in theirs now we can't catch up & as has been said she took us into the age of accountants & bankers & all was well for a while as they fixed the numbers making a profit where non existed & paying bonuses to themselves but you can only fix the mumbers for so long before it comes home to roost, well it came home to roost big time & nearly bankrupted the country & how many have been brought up before the courts or had anything more than the loss of their jobs people where getting away with being paid big money for not even being there,they had big redundancies if someone here in the bakers is made redundant after 10 yrs they wouldnt get a £1000 but in the mines they where having £100,000 equivalent,why was that? you mention it was bad to sell british gas etc,what about brown selling all the gold that was worse,and what about the country in the 970s it was ment to be a hell hole before she took over, Link to post Share on other sites
Malt 379 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 ..and let's have a look at some of Maggie's other grand schemes.. Privatisation: Was meant to make prices cheaper for the end users (us) by introducing competition to the sectors. Shares were available to buy by anybody, even 'Sid' down the road if you believed the TV adverts! In reality the shares were hoovered up by the rich and foreign governments and prices went through the roof ushering in the era of the fat cat.. We now pay a higher % of our incomes on energy than we ever have. Look at the railways too we currently subsidise the network with more money than we ever spent on it when we owned it, the difference now is that don't get any return on it.. Deregulation of the banks: We're currently dealing with the shitstorm of that particular bollock drop now, no need to go into that further.. Signed away our rich fishing grounds to the rest of the EU, leaving our waters open to plunder by the Spanish trawling fleet and others who had decimated their own stocks. Link to post Share on other sites
paulus 26 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 Your never going to win a popularity contest if your having to close anything down because its viably impossible to keep running. It's ok saying don't privatize the railways etc but who pays for the upkeep? Roads will be next to go, they are a disgrace. Did all the labour lovers complain when they were closing rural schools and post offices? surely the point is, if the private sector can run something at a profit that was making a loss in the public sector then its the management who are at fault and not the employees or the public investors ie me you and everybody else who paid tax`s, seems to me a few people stood to make a lot of money from privatisation rather than it being in the publics interest. Link to post Share on other sites
pritch 335 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 I was born in the shadow of Ravenscraig steel works in north lanarkshire and my father and brother worked there for a spell. Men were walking in to the nightshift with their sleeping bag rolled up under their arm, men were clocking each other in and out getting paid when they weren't even there. When it closed people walked away with generous redundancy packages, my mate who was in just over three years got nearly thirty grand and put through his bus licence, so did many others, in fact it was commonly pointed out at the latter end if it hadn't closed there would have been riots. The same men used their redundancy to buy their council houses, suited many people at the time. Funny how they sit now and decry Thatcher and the tories now. A quick question to all those lamenting the closure of the pits, why in thirteen years of labour was there never a pit reopened, don't cite not financially viable, costs too great please, these were the reasons they were shut initially. I would have thought a labour goverment along with the unions would have made this a priority, they did enough crying when they tories closed them. mate there is a lot of truth in the things you say,layland motors near me was know as a holiday camp & i don't disagree that some things had to change, but to destroy whole industries to bring about that change wasn't the answer & yes all those who where laid off in publicly owned sector got ridiculous payoffs but what about all those that relied on those industries subies suppliers local shops & businesses did they get the same deal no, as i said it was communities that went to the wall not just the miners/steelworkers etc. you can't just reopen deep mines once the water gets in the seams collapse & can't be worked as i understand it.or as you say they would just of reopened them & it was part of the argument at the time that all that coal would be wasted 1 Link to post Share on other sites
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