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Any Body Know Why ?

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I think it is most likely nettles,this time of year the young nettles are at ground level and can be walked on.The sting is also very potent at the moment .just try and avoid areas that have nettles,if the itching stops,great ...but if you cant avoid them ,i agree with Cleanspade and give the dog some anti histermines,PIRITON is a good one.

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Anti hitamine will help calm the itch down.

But really need pads toughned up.

Get some Alum that barbers use. Soften the block a bit them gently rub in.

This will help toughen the pads up without drying them out, which could cause splitting then they would turn into keens and that would be really bad.

Give this a try mate. Alum only costs few quid.

I might have a bit you can have.

Send me your address and I will have a look.

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