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First Time Out With The 77

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got myself a 77 a while ago and have been looking for a good no nonsence scope and after reading pianomans thoughts on a white tail classic one was bought and fitted . OH MY GOD .i wish i had found this scope when i was looking for a scope for my 80 . Any way got out friday eve for a few hours . took my wee camera with me as its something i never realy do ,


first pic this is the main way into the shoot not much cover to be used but with care i can make it without too much seeing me


took me about half an hour to get round this made it round the corner in the distance and settled down and waited .after about 10 mins their was a lot of activity but all i could see was kits 5 of the little sods after 30 mins i gave up and moved on as i like too let them grow abit before the pot beckons


the pic here is one of my main spots as its one of the bolt holes off 2 adjoining fields DSCF0861_zps684f59d3.jpg i spent about 30 mins sitting waiting ,i was just getting ready to move on when some movement caught my eye another while later out pops a full grown bunny appeared i too aim and bloody missed so jacked that spot .


my last spot is one of my favs its got burrows from 10-40 yards and is just a good place to sit DSCF0862_zpsfec97d8a.jpg

sat here and after about 10 mins out pops a bunny at 18 yards and ping its on its side one leg in the air , another 20 mins go by and out pops another at 25 yards ping and it over too in the pic you can see both of them one up on the rise and the other at ground level directly under his buddy DSCF0867_zpsf0ce8586.jpgand the 2 of them and my 77 DSCF0868_zps6838d3a5.jpg

hope this didnt bore you as its the first time i have done a writeup . just wanted to show one of my shoots

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I have an old warhorse of a 77 and it's never let me down, all the blueing has gone and it's had more knocks than the front door of a brothel!! My son has used it since he was strong enough to cock it, even then he had to rest it on a road spike as he couldn't hold it for long enough to ding the woodies out of the trees which backed onto our garden, and yes we did live rural and had permission from the landowner to shot vermin out of his private woodland, he's now 21. Couldn't tell you what scope is on it now he seems to change it more often than his socks!! still uses a road spike and lashes to the fence when he zeros in a new scope, old habits die hard,

thought the photo story was great and well worth the effort put into it.

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Great write up and good shooting :thumbs: That's a lovely 77 you have there, is it brand new or did you buy it secondhand?

got it 2 weeks ago its a 20 year old and got her for £110 , how does yours get on with the 97 stock as the cheek piece is a bit low with the mount i have too use cause of the 50mm scope

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Thats bloody cheap, well done! It'll be the 25mm comp tube to no doubt which should make it even sweeter to shoot :)


The 97 stock fits like a glove with the higher cheekpiece but lacks the elegance and classic lines of the 77 standard stock. Yours look a beaut. Are you in the lowest possible mounts? I went with a 40mm scope for that reason. Personally, with a springer especially, I don't feel you need much more - just buy quality glass.



Edited by Elliott
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i looked at the scope you have buy the 3.5-10x50 for £103 new off ebay so im not complaining too much and yup she has the 25mm comp tube . think im gonna detune her as after i got home i put her over the chrono and with aa 16 grain pellets she's at 11.84 flb im looking for about the 11 flb but its smooth already so it can only get better :D

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Loved the write up mate, looks like you had a good day there, the pictures look awesome, nice permission. Those 77's really were the pinnacle of spring piston shooting in the day and still hold their brilliance now!

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