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Any of the light breeds LPD, I would go for leghorns myself as they lay a good sized egg in comparison to body size. You may like some of the autosexing bantam breeds to which also lay well and rarely go broody.

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Yeah I was told black leghorns we're good egg layer's and big eggs for a banty,I got 3/ 16 week old light sussex bantams a few year ago,lovely looking things they were,but did'nt start laying until they were 8 months old,only got a few eggs before they went broody,then they were just squawking all day got too noisy as I keep them in the back garden,just got 3 hybrid hens at the minute,quiet as mice,and lay non stop,thanks for the advice atb

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I have RIR and Welsummer.


The RIR lay all year round and are fairly friendly. The Wellies only lay in Spring and Summer and are fairly wild; I've only recently convinced them to nest in the coop as opposed to in the apple tree. Neither are broody.

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Anyone know of any Leghorn breeders in the northumberland/durham area,I've been talking to some of the poultry men at the local allotments,they dont know of anyone,and they we're saying some of the fertile eggs they've sent off for have'nt produced what they we're hoping for

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