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S10 Or R10?

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Air Arms for me mate iv got the s410f and have just sold my mk2 r10 today the bsa is the better looking rifle but i think the s410 has a better feel to it and you will never go wrong with air arms but im not saying the r10 is a bad gun its great but i would go for the 177 what ever you choose good luck

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All Super 10s are regulated! Main difference is the stock, the mark 1 looks like the first generation Rapid Mark 1 stock...



The mark 2 looks like a second generation Rapid Mark 2 stock...



The mark 3 looks more like an R10.



The S10 has not had the horrendous reputation that the R10 gathered (even into the mark 2 era). It has had some problems, notably the magazines, but these are easy to fix. I know, I have (bought a secondhand magazine sold as not working for a fiver, stripped, cleaned, put back together, works perfectly). The R10 is getting a good reputation now, but the S10 never really lost its reputation!


Edited to add I own the bottom rifle (Mini Me) and owned the middle rifle (Dr Evil)!

Edited by secretagentmole
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Here in the 'States the BSA SuperTEN is considered to be the best PCP that BSA has ever made. The R-10 led to the demise of the BSA corporation here due to problematic reliability and the Benjamin Marauder available for half the price.

The SuperTENS are getting a little old now. Would go with a BSA R10MkII in the UK. There are any number of air gun fettlers around who could turn an R10 into a real contender. BSA is dead over here. A Daystate Huntsman for about 725 quid new is readily available from AoA. The Huntsman is not a regulated gun, like the R10 and the SuperTEN. The R10s and the SuperTENs in .22" usually have nice shooting barrels.

Peace, hope this helps,


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