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The 2007/2008 season is out for me already!

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OUch! Nasty one that! But like you said at least you kept the foot: get a very small docile pony to go ferreting on: quieter than a quad and I'd have said a damn sight safer, though that's seen from the perspective of someone who has always been around horses. If your're really clever you can train it to kneel down for easier mounting and dismounting.

I've always said that's what I'll do when Arthur(ritis) gets the better of me! LOL


Hope it heals as well as can be expected.

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Jeeez crow, I feel your ya mate. Something similar happened to me about eight years ago. I had my shoulder broken in an "accident" shall we say, unfortunately, instead of imobilising it, they treated me for a "frozen" shoulder.....for two years. When they realised this erm, mistake, it was too late :wallbash: , but they were prepared "to have a look" at it :icon_eek: .

Comparison to you is, life as I knew it , had ended, retired on ill health, limited to what I do and controlled by medication :( .


But, I decided to grab the bull by the horns and do what I do, when I am able to. It has worked out well for me and I realise that I came off lightly when I see other folk suffering. There are days, weeks, months even, when I get laid up and everything take a couple of miles backwards because something has triggered off the relapse, then I learned that this is something that I have to deal with and channel my enthusiasm into something else.


This is something only you can control crow, but I think there's is a good bunch on here to point you in the right direction.


Stay well friend........Al :thumbs:

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went up to see how my big brother is doing and to offer a few insults, i meen help. hes doing ok and in good sprits. My oldest boy is on cruches as well so what does crow suggest? the 2 of them have a race, CROW IT WAS RACING THAT GOT YOU IN THIS MESS IN THE FIRST PLACE :blink:


mind you i do admire his style and his forward planning, hes only gone a got a proper cast done in a camo patten to help blend in with the foliage :clapper:




mind you, the british DPM pattern is so last year, its all real tree now dont you know? you messer :feck:

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Hey up, it's a small world...........BROTHERS, the foot is the least of his problems then :icon_eek: . How you doing my friend, OK I hope? Met up with Mole Trapper last week end......top fella :yes: , even he knew you :laugh: . Hope your Bro mends quickly, it was through injury that I ended up back in our sport B) , only 'cause I couldn't hack it in athletics and quads no more :laugh: :laugh:


Take care MC............Al :thumbs:

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