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Single Handed Whippets?

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My mates whippet catches rabbits all on her own, rats aren't an issue either.

I think you are confused.   I don't think any one here was claiming to have found the new foxing breed.   The question was, can a whippet kill a fox single handed. The answer was, yes, some can. M

Ive had them for over 10 years and only had two that would do them regulary.. there not fox dogs and wern't bred for foxes but there is a few dogs that will do them. When i owned jake ( lord of the

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All these folk saying it's not fair, you shouldnt do it, get a proper tool for the job etc.


How do you stop them hunting them in the day?


I get that you can choose not to go out with the lamp looking for them and slipping on them. But if you walk/run/mooch about with your dog regularly, in the countryside, then the little feckers will sooner or later come across one, or it should do anyway. And then what? D'ya ask it nicely not to, because it might get hurt?


It's just one of those things.

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How much does a fox weigh?


How much does a big whippet weigh?


How much does a terrier weigh?


I'd expect a terrier to be able to kill one if it managed to catch it in cover above ground. Wouldn't you?

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Whippets can and do, and yes you can't stop them, but personally it's not to my taste, too drawn out....fact.


Didn't say it wasn't. Just makes me laugh when folk think it's impossible.


Although most folk wouldnt think anything of slipping a 22 inch racy lurcher on charlie?

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All fox's are different some dispatch quicker than others, just coz a whippet might be lucky a few times it will sooner or later meet a proper fox that Will ruin it! A lot of whippet owners are arragent basterds and think there better than they are. They'll never live with purpose well bred lurchers imo.


Compareing a whippet to a terrier ffs, and no I dont think theres many terriers that Will kill a good fox in cover. I think use are underating the fox here myself and obviously don't catch enough to see what they are capable of when things don't go wrong.

Edited by csd_88
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its not impossible ............but its more humane with a lurcher although there may be exceptions..........

i would be willing to see a whippet of any mans what can despatch one quicker than a lurcher.......... :yes:

i have a whippet and a couple of lurchers ,.........one thing i will say is me whippet is very good at finding anything and at times has shocked me with a fox preban........but in no way a fox dog but hunting them as part of a bobbery pack i have found him very usefull as he alerts the rest when theres one in cover........

i find them a little bit like a quiver tip used for fishing as there senses are better than all my dogs and if the whip runs ,......me and the rest of the dogs know its hunt on....

shame those days are gone......

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