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How Our Muslim Friends In Lybia Says Thanks.

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A view of our peaceful Muslim friends who we helped free from persecution from Colonel Gadhafi, this is obviously their way of saying thanks.

WW II - British Military Cemetery in Libya.

Every time a joke and or cartoon is made about the Koran, the whole
world turns upside down...!! and we are all called racists!!!!!!!!

However they appear to do what ever they like and no one says
anything...and the majority of people remain SILENT.

See this video whilst it's available and before it is removed !!!


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Lol. Tyipical Arab scum. Alright at screaming. Death to the infidal and doing a bit of vandelisiam Other than that one useless race sand niggers lowest form of life. When the black stuff runs

they are scum of the earth

They should be shot , & burned !! We welcome the scum bags with open arms to cream our tax money through our dss & social funding.. This nob are all low life dog shit , with manners & educ



A view of our peaceful Muslim friends who we helped free from persecution from Colonel Gadhafi, this is obviously their way of saying thanks.


WW II - British Military Cemetery in Libya.


Every time a joke and or cartoon is made about the Koran, the whole

world turns upside down...!! and we are all called racists!!!!!!!!


However they appear to do what ever they like and no one says

anything...and the majority of people remain SILENT.


See this video whilst it's available and before it is removed !!!

ive shared it :thumbs:

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I think this was what took place in Benghazi by Gadhafi's men before the uprising was quashed, just to stir up, and involve the wider region and Europe



i dont care if it was, before,during or after the uprising, i also dont care if it was political,racist or religion related, neither if it was pro gadhafi men or not. its just plain wrong :yes:

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They should be shot , & burned !! We welcome the scum bags with open arms to cream our tax money through our dss & social funding.. This nob are all low life dog shit , with manners & education of a donkey !!


It can be reversed , if the majority of non voter make there voice heard ;)

It is not a party you vote for any longer, it is a way of life.. there's or YOUR's :yes:

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I think this was what took place in Benghazi by Gadhafi's men before the uprising was quashed, just to stir up, and involve the wider region and Europe



i dont care if it was, before,during or after the uprising, i also dont care if it was political,racist or religion related, neither if it was pro gadhafi men or not. its just plain wrong :yes:


You might not care but it certainly matters in the context of the original post. If OTC is correct it's just more bull shit twisted propaganda.

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I think this was what took place in Benghazi by Gadhafi's men before the uprising was quashed, just to stir up, and involve the wider region and Europe



i dont care if it was, before,during or after the uprising, i also dont care if it was political,racist or religion related, neither if it was pro gadhafi men or not. its just plain wrong :yes:


You might not care but it certainly matters in the context of the original post. If OTC is correct it's just more bull shit twisted propaganda.

everything is propaganda to some degree or other, however theres some lines that shouldn`t ever be crossed and this is one of them, so i say again, i dont care "why" its just wrong. end off!

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It is wrong, but it's who's responsible that's being twisted. We can say what we like about the Libyan people for whatever reasons but lets at least keep to the facts. And the facts in the original post have been brought into question. People's view's WILL be affected by whether or not it was Gadaffi's lot or the post civil war lot. That's all I'm saying. It completely changes the point of the original post.

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It is wrong, but it's who's responsible that's being twisted. We can say what we like about the Libyan people for whatever reasons but lets at least keep to the facts. And the facts in the original post have been brought into question. People's view's WILL be affected by whether or not it was Gadaffi's lot or the post civil war lot. That's all I'm saying. It completely changes the point of the original post.

at the end of the day one thing is certain they were lybian :thumbs:

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Lol. Tyipical Arab scum. Alright at screaming. Death to the infidal and doing a bit of vandelisiam Other than that one useless race sand niggers lowest form of life. When the black stuff runs out they will return the place back to deseart The lads that were put to rest in that grave yard should now be excumed and reburied. In blighty. God is love they were shouting lol. Never has the planet been cursed by such a creed of life hating jackels. As the muslim. Wipe the arses on rocks. Nuke the shite hole.

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