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A Tale Of Two Halfs

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  On 03/04/2013 at 13:45, Mawders said:

Steve I've been using them for the past year, you have made the right choice! Tony and the team are awesome! You WILL be impressed with the results my friend!


Thanks for the reassurance; SFS’s renowned service is echoed on here by many experience marksmen like you, Si & Davy, to name a few.


Regards, Steve.

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Let me just start off by stating that this post is an account of the past three months of what has seemed like an epic saga. I'll detail the good points, the bad points and some welcome surprises alon

Thanks halfinch, as soon as this weather gets better I'll be out alot with the 97. It's not me that's bothered by the cold, it would seem the vermin are all still tucked up in the warm on my permissio

You know Phil, I'm genuinely sorry for what you've been put through mate. I was nibbling away with the idea of buying a .177 prosport to add to a left-hand custom stock. This will not be now. Certainl

Hey Tim can't wait to come down mate, looking forward to that and I reckon your right, AA need to take a look at what's going wrong! I reckon its the new ones, your testimony of 70,000 shots proves they used to be bloody good rifles. Can't wait to try yours out but for now I'm happier than a fat kid with cake! The HW really is impressing me especially after the work tony has put into it! Awesome rifle! Tony and the team work wonders on their rifles.



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Worth waiting for for sure, superb account of not only the rifle but some excellent displays of customer service and pretty bad luck. For me, having an engineering background, I would have held onto it and wanted desperately to understand what was the reason that two rifles would display the same characteristics regardless of what AA were prepared to admit or not. But then again I have a selection to choose from and no-one should have to do the qc for AA on a £500 rifle. I just can't get over two rifles with the same issue and not having heard anything like it until now. Will await to see if any other poor accounts around the lever.


Once again, superb account fellow.

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Hey trench, cheers. I don't think its a wide problem at all maybe just a bad batch but time will tell. I have not emailed AA yet. It's on my to do list which is growing. When I first rang them they didn't seem surprised so maybe others have returned them for fixing, who knows?


What I can say is their customer service is second to none!

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Cracking post there, Mawders, and something that I find interesting.


The main suppliers of spring rifles that are deemed as the flagships of the art are AA and HW. Folks debate about why one's better than the other because of blah, blah, blah, but the simple fact is that both makes are crap compared to what they used to be. Quality control's gone down the pan.


Give me a decent 80s or 90s used HW or a ten year old AA over their new stuff any day.


Also fair play to SFS for giving what sounds like genuine and honest customer care.

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  On 04/04/2013 at 00:30, andyfr1968 said:

Cracking post there, Mawders, and something that I find interesting.


The main suppliers of spring rifles that are deemed as the flagships of the art are AA and HW. Folks debate about why one's better than the other because of blah, blah, blah, but the simple fact is that both makes are crap compared to what they used to be. Quality control's gone down the pan.


Give me a decent 80s or 90s used HW or a ten year old AA over their new stuff any day.


Also fair play to SFS for giving what sounds like genuine and honest customer care.

you have just confirmed what i was thinking my pro is an older one and i intend to get an older hopefully mint 77.

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Cheers andy and Ben. It was hard work writing all that I can tell you ha ha, couple of hours for two nights to get it all down then edit the pictures in. I enjoy writing about things I'm passionate about. I can't use big words as its not in my vocabulary, what you see is what you get, I don't mince my words and prefer to be truthful. My writing skill is very basic to say the least lol. Still I'm planning to start reviewing airgun items giving a non biased straight to the point review. If it pays off or not with regards to people being interested who knows lol. It will be as and when I buy kit to shoot with, not looking to get freebies or fame just to help other honest air gunners out recommending kit or not recommending kit as the case may be.



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Interesting post this. When I got my pro sport it was great for a week then the bolt holding the under lever sheared and broke. My rfd sorted it immediately and its been fine since, although it could use a service now (i dread to think how many pellets have gone through it though!)

incidentally, my 80 was twenty ish years old when I got it, and hasn't missed a beat so far...

Great review by the way!


Cheers, wurz

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Fantastic review of both rifles Mawders, Sorry to hear about the pro sport not working out but take comfort in the hw mate, im awaiting mine from tony as i type mate should be here monday fingers crossed, had a few hours with my brothers S2 tuned new hw97kt in 177 nickel synthetic and was more than impressed with how it shot and the accuracy and gentle recoil, smooth as u like, this is all from a new unbedded in rifle so will only improve, with the limited springer experience of myself and my brother we were shooting drawing pins from 15 to 35yards quite consistently so if mine is as good i will be over the moon. Look forward to the full review on the s2 hw.ATB Aaron

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Cheers Aaron buddy that's impressive shooting hitting drawing pins out to 35 yards with the 97 mate! I'm waiting for a calm day to get down the farm and try mine out on small objects like that! I hope with practice mate I'll be able to do that one day.



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  On 05/04/2013 at 16:23, Mawders said:

Cheers Aaron buddy that's impressive shooting hitting drawing pins out to 35 yards with the 97 mate! I'm waiting for a calm day to get down the farm and try mine out on small objects like that! I hope with practice mate I'll be able to do that one day.



Cheers Mawders dont get me wrong im no crack shot these were taken indoors in perfect conditions prone and rested so no other influence other than us. And anyhow mate from what i have heard you shoot just fine mate :thumbs: am waiting for the weather to improve and will get some footage up ATB Aaron

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Footage would be great buddy, I'm going to bed mine in and then maybe film something shooting some groups or smallish objects if for my amusement than anything else. These SFS rifles really are something special wouldn't you agree? I can't comment on any other tuners rifles as I havnt shot any but SFS tunes are pure awesomeness!



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