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Poor Dog I Had To Take It

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Well got a hold of this dog today took it off some lads that shouldn't have had it they were about to dump it when I arrived , what a mess its in I took it too vet he said its tail is broke so bad it

if the dog needs re homing --- dont bother with dogs trust i`ll take it on .none of this if only you were closer bollox i`ll come and fetch the dog ...

Yep horriable scum out there , oh it's only going to get better for it now , ill do everything I can to get it right

Its a discrace how someonre can be so fecking cruel to that. i would be an insult to animals if i called them an animal there is no name for them. That was decent of you there J Dog lad Hope the dog has a good recovery. Fecking castrate the B@stard

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J Dog I've always liked reading your posts and like your enthusiasm and what comes over as a genuine 'love for the game' - you also seem like a thoroughly decent young lad...and this just proves it...good luck buddy - all the best... :thumbs:


Can't think of adjectives/metaphors at time of night to do any comments on the poor wee bitch or the scum responsible justice - you lads and lassies have said it all really...

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good on you J dog its a shame some folk dont respect there animals shes in a shocking state she a nice looking fecker aswell has she been round your dogs yet

theres a good chance shes gone to have issuses as she grows and thats such a shame

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J Dog I've always liked reading your posts and like your enthusiasm and what comes over as a genuine 'love for the game' - you also seem like a thoroughly decent young lad...and this just proves it...good luck buddy - all the best... :thumbs:


Can't think of adjectives/metaphors at time of night to do any comments on the poor wee bitch or the scum responsible justice - you lads and lassies have said it all really...

Thank you mate that means alot :) I do love the lurcher game and to think lads that do this to their dogs call them selves lurcher men just make me sick

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Well done jd big respect.What about a htl whip round to help sort this dog?I'll start the ball rolling with a offer of a fiver.Won't take many more to sort this dog out.

Thanks mate , but really there's no need ill do my best to sort her owt :) thanks for the offer mate much appreciated :)

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