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Chrono Connect Anyone?

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aight fellas!! jus wondered if any of u good people ave ever used CHRONO CONNECT before? it's basically a
Chronograph APP for ur phone measuring ur guns power and feets per second, was going 2 invest in a chrono
but thought i'd give this little beauty a chance first seein as the pro versions up for less than £2, is it accurate??

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From what I've heard, if you follow the instructions correctly and precisely its pretty accurate.


.......But given the cost of buying a 100 foot tape measure and all the faffing about setting it up I'd say invest in the chronograph :yes:



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sounds gud tony mate, i jus wanted 2 confirm it was accurate before i spend 2 quids on it. i also hear what
ur saying on the price of a tape and so forth, might even still buy the latest combro anyway :) mike?? nice

weapon of choice mate, from wat tony says it's pretty accurate, aslong as we set it up right we'll be ok i think.

Edited by (g80na1886)
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excellent feedback cheers fellas, just thought i'd pop bk and letcha know

i just purchased the combro anyway, this way i can compair the pair of em.

mike no worries mate, im a big fan of the Scorp myself, i'll also letcha know

about my findings when it comes to the chrono connect vs the combro mk4.

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Alright mate, just wondering if you had time to try yours? and how accurate does it look? i finally have the time today so i will be using the app but have nothing to compare it to so i will let you know what figures it was giving me!




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