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Toilet Training

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babies have settled in fine, have eaten rabbit & squirrel, and part of an egg we dropped while collecting from the chooks (they loved the eggs, and how great is it to be able to shoot squirrels and not waste them!).


They have been visiting and even had a trip to the garden centre. No we are not mad people who take our animals everywhere, but it was a hot day and I didn't want to leave them in the car.


They are getting loads of attention, even from er indoors who originally wasn't keen on having them and said she 'would stamp on their stinky little biting heads' (that's just her sense of humour, she isn't violent to anyone apart from me).


We had our fair share of bites on the first day, some relatively sore (esp for our kids), but since then it is just mouthing and nothing more. When we pick them up they are fine, but keep on mouthing us, esp when they get excited. We are continuing with the stern No's and blowing on their noses. I f they persist, we put them down and give the other one loads of fuss.


The only issue I have with them (apart from spending far too much time in their court watching them be mental) is their toilet training.


Now, I am not expecting them to be using the litter trays and wiping their bums and flushing the toilet in 3 days, god it has taken my kids the best part of 9 years to get the hang of this, but they have started to use the corner under their hammock as their toilet corner and not the two trays in the corners up against the mesh.


I originally read that ferts like to use the corners furthest away from their nesting area/food and this is where I placed the trays.


They have used the trays and when I see them backing up, I pick them up and place them in them and then give them loads of fuss and kisses/hugs, but it is the corner under their hammock that is getting the most use.


What can I do? I have since been told that they do like a toilet fairly close to their beds, (lazy buggers, but understandable), but not practically underneath?


My first plan is to buy another litter tray and put that in the corner. At least that way they are getting used to using a tray, never mind which corner it is in. If they continue to use this corner, I may just move their hammock, or wait until they are a bit older and can use the ramps and therefore are able to climb up to their nesting box (which they haven't used yet, in fact they are yet to use any of the first floor and have spent all their time on the ground floor playing with all the toys and tunnels, logs etc. When they are old enough to climb better, the extra tunnels, shelves, hammocks, nesting box etc etc will be a lovely surprise).


Any suggestions? Am I doing everything right so far? Do they not like the trays in the corners against the mesh as it is too exposed for them, could it be worth me putting a small side in in the corners to make it, not more secluded, but feel safer? Or do I just continue to persist in picking them up and placing them in their trays and chill out.







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hi heds,


i think your suggestion of moving the hammock is the best idea, in my anderson the mums always used the far right corner (great) but the kits are divided in useing that area and the corner right by the water drinker (d'oh) so do think they choose were to go...


prob will take a little time for them to pick up the courage to explore more, although my outside court is open to them, its the mums that spend all there time out there, the kits seem to prefer the "safe" indoors, you could always place them on a higher level and watch,


my other half has been nipped a few times and she does simular to you, i myself prefer the different approach, if they start to bite on a finger, even playfully i push my finger down on the back of their tongue, this makes them gagg and spit finger out, soon learn that fingers aint for biting


have sent ferret15 pics of the one remaining silver jill (as im keeping 2 silver jills,1 silver hob and a very dark poley jill) myself, they are too damn cute


after that i have left

1 silver hob


4 poleys 2 jills 2 hobs i think,lolpost-5267-1185889136_thumb.jpgpost-5267-1185889136_thumb.jpg ferret15's one

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Well i have never had a ferret shit in a tray ever, they shit infront of it, behind it & scratch the contents out of it & sleeep in it, but not shit in it :laugh: so i gave up :laugh:


Well done you if your patient enough they will use it all the time, thats my problem no patience :icon_redface:

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I reckon the corners against the mesh are too exposed... let them choose a corner... which ever one they like... then just stick the litter tray there... when you put the litter tray into place put a bit of dirty litter in it... and you should be fine...

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every corner has a tray in it now and they do use the trays (sometimes), but now they have started to go right next to their food and water dish which are next to their bed. :censored:


One of them has backed up right up against the food dish and parked a little black slug right there!


Oh well, if it takes patience, I have plenty. I work with computers and have 3 kids, both of which require plenty of patience :wallbash:



thanks for your input guys.



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What you may find is the whole set up is to much to soon, they would probably feel more secure in a smaller area. they will have become conditioned to a degree to there previous accomodation, so maybe if you can restrict there living accomodation & increase it gradually over a few weeks rather than let them have it all in one go.


If they came straight from there mom as well they will be a while getting used to there new surroundings


Also have you got a seperate enclosed beding area or just a hammock ?

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my pair used to use a litter tray in the hutch, but I found out it was as easier to clean out the soiled wood shavings every day, and the litter was costing a fortune. If I ever get around to building a decent sized run, I might consider using one again.

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What you may find is the whole set up is to much to soon, they would probably feel more secure in a smaller area. they will have become conditioned to a degree to there previous accomodation, so maybe if you can restrict there living accomodation & increase it gradually over a few weeks rather than let them have it all in one go.


If they came straight from there mom as well they will be a while getting used to there new surroundings


Also have you got a seperate enclosed beding area or just a hammock ?



Good point there, but they were in a nice large Court before as Stubby has converted an old Anderson Shelter with an outside run (although the kits didn't use this) so I don't think it is a vast increase in space that is causing this.


They do have a nesting box but that is on the 'first floor' accessed via two ramps and they are yet to climb up there, so are spending their time in a hammock just now. When they are older and able to explore higher up, they have a whole new world for them :-)


I'm not overly worried as they are young and have yet to spend a week in their new home, but am concious that I may be doing something wrong, me being a ferret newbie, and that training is often best done when they are young before they get any bad habits.





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hi all,


hed's you may have seen a corner litter tray discarded near the fert court, I tried to get them to use it (the 2 mums) put it in a fav corner, they changed to another, placed items in these corners, they poop against the tray or move it, i tried screwing it in place, still no joy, so i, like others gave up, so good luck if you get them using it, i wouldent worry were they sleep either, mine are all sleeping in a play tube cos its too hot in the nest boxes

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What you may find is the whole set up is to much to soon, they would probably feel more secure in a smaller area. they will have become conditioned to a degree to there previous accomodation, so maybe if you can restrict there living accomodation & increase it gradually over a few weeks rather than let them have it all in one go.


If they came straight from there mom as well they will be a while getting used to there new surroundings


Also have you got a seperate enclosed beding area or just a hammock ?



Good point there, but they were in a nice large Court before as Stubby has converted an old Anderson Shelter with an outside run (although the kits didn't use this) so I don't think it is a vast increase in space that is causing this.


They do have a nesting box but that is on the 'first floor' accessed via two ramps and they are yet to climb up there, so are spending their time in a hammock just now. When they are older and able to explore higher up, they have a whole new world for them :-)


I'm not overly worried as they are young and have yet to spend a week in their new home, but am concious that I may be doing something wrong, me being a ferret newbie, and that training is often best done when they are young before they get any bad habits.






try moving the stuff from the lowest level scater wood shavings & hopefully they will use that in time, maybe there a bit intimidated by the thought of going down the ramps just now, so they will use the area they are feeling secure in as a loo, the min i added a lower level run to my hutch my hobs went straight down the tube & used the corners as a loo which was good as its saving the wooden floor of the hutch from getting a hammering. good luck :D

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Come on then, how you geting on with the kits? In general, They look nice little things :victory:


I am worried if they have enough space in that tiny little room you have thrown together :whistling::D


No, seriously you will pick it all up on the way, just give them plenty of fuss and attentions (no doubts they are getting!!) and im sure they will be great for you :thumbs:

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When I had my old ferret set up they used to use a litter tray, but I honestly think that was due to the fact it was such a tight fit and they couldnt move it! They did try mind. After about two weeks of picking poo up and placing it in the litter tray they eventually got the message. (I did clean it out during those two weeks mind :laugh: ) I now have a different set up that has a court for them to play in just under the bedding area, I have raised it about 0.5cm off the ground so that its easy to clean out - I hose and disinfect the latrine area daily and its so easy. I guess Im quite lucky that they all poo in the same area but I have got various items in each of the other corners to try and stop them using it as their toilet. :D

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