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You probably don't have the strength to lift your dog up never mind throw it over a gate, f***ing ticket.   I'm with Gem on this one, I'd like to hear the full story. We all grew up with dogs that

It is not nice that dogs bite, especially a child, but............on private property............if it was a dog that bit a dog thief or burglar....would we all be calling it a hero?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha   CRINGE!!!  

For the love of God please turn off the caps lock :(


Good point!!


Hope your lad is alright, but if you know a dogs dangerous you don't let your kids go near it surely?!

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If a kid that is 3 is going to pick up a football they don't acknowledge a dog kids at that age don't realise . Kids get ran over chasing footballs in the road because they don't realise. Danger doesn't come into it they dont see danger

Edited by Mattyf
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If a kid that is 3 is going to pick up a football they don't acknowledge a dog kids at that age don't realise . Kids get ran over chasing footballs in the road because they don't realise. Danger doesn't come into it they dont see danger

That's why its a parents job to not let a 3yr old play near strange dogs or in the street to begin with.

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It is not nice that dogs bite, especially a child, but............on private property............if it was a dog that bit a dog thief or burglar....would we all be calling it a hero?

Exactly what I was thinking yes it's not nice to bite anyone for no reason, but say someone who kept dogs to guard for whatever reason, it's been trained to protect, like this dog perhaps is trying to protect it's pack, say a kid kicked a ball into a garden with a guard dog, the owner has a moral dilemma here. Does the garden have a like beware of the dog sign? My dogs, fine outside, fine in the street, fine in the house if invited in, come into the garden and they loose, which tbh is almost never, (I have two dogs running loose signs) and they may go for the offending party.

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Borrow my bull x and throw it over gate at it ha ha ha ha ha hs

You probably don't have the strength to lift your dog up never mind throw it over a gate, f***ing ticket.


I'm with Gem on this one, I'd like to hear the full story. We all grew up with dogs that would bite if you went in its garden or put your hand under a gate. Can't mind anyone wanting them destroyed, changed times indeed, especially someone who hunts wanting an animal destroyed for doing its job. Why was a 3 year old unsupervised when EVERY SICK NEIGHBOR of this dog knows it bites? Here a novel idea, instead of getting every danger to your child destroyed, why not parent the child, show them the dangers and watch over them, supervise them? I know its a b*****d and takes time but it sure saves blaming every f***ing else for your failures.

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Borrow my bull x and throw it over gate at it ha ha ha ha ha hs

You probably don't have the strength to lift your dog up never mind throw it over a gate, f*****g ticket.


I'm with Gem on this one, I'd like to hear the full story. We all grew up with dogs that would bite if you went in its garden or put your hand under a gate. Can't mind anyone wanting them destroyed, changed times indeed, especially someone who hunts wanting an animal destroyed for doing its job. Why was a 3 year old unsupervised when EVERY SICK NEIGHBOR of this dog knows it bites? Here a novel idea, instead of getting every danger to your child destroyed, why not parent the child, show them the dangers and watch over them, supervise them? I know its a b*****d and takes time but it sure saves blaming every f*****g else for your failures.

when i was growing up there was packs of dogs roaming the streets on the estate where i lived, you soon learned which ones to mess with and which not to :laugh: :laugh:

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:laugh: same here paulus, bitch in heat, pack of 6+ of the meanest mongrels you'll ever meet roaming the streets. It's all part of life. I don't want to see any kid getting bit, but if no one is there to teach them right from wrong, got to learn the hard way. Sore lesson but I'll bet they won't do it again
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:laugh: same here paulus, bitch in heat, pack of 6+ of the meanest mongrels you'll ever meet roaming the streets. It's all part of life. I don't want to see any kid getting bit, but if no one is there to teach them right from wrong, got to learn the hard way. Sore lesson but I'll bet they won't do it again

it was the same with livestock, childhood teaches you what tups are and which cows are infact bullocks. ducks are fine but geese are b*stards. health and safety has shoot itself in the foot and dulled peoples comman sense

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:laugh: same here paulus, bitch in heat, pack of 6+ of the meanest mongrels you'll ever meet roaming the streets. It's all part of life. I don't want to see any kid getting bit, but if no one is there to teach them right from wrong, got to learn the hard way. Sore lesson but I'll bet they won't do it again

it was the same with livestock, childhood teaches you what tups are and which cows are infact bullocks. ducks are fine but geese are b*stards. health and safety has shoot itself in the foot and dulled peoples comman sense

I was more scared of the cows :laugh: a herd of cows coming towards you out ferreting or bird nesting when you were only upto their nose was a daunting sight :D even bird nesting, you soon learned to climb as close to the trunk as you could lol and even though you didn't have a crows egg yet, sometimes that wasn't a bad thing :laugh:

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:laugh: same here paulus, bitch in heat, pack of 6+ of the meanest mongrels you'll ever meet roaming the streets. It's all part of life. I don't want to see any kid getting bit, but if no one is there to teach them right from wrong, got to learn the hard way. Sore lesson but I'll bet they won't do it again

it was the same with livestock, childhood teaches you what tups are and which cows are infact bullocks. ducks are fine but geese are b*stards. health and safety has shoot itself in the foot and dulled peoples comman sense

We had all the mad dogs and mad farmers, mad bulls etc round here, when we were kids we were always out and about, knowing the dangers was a must.

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:laugh: same here paulus, bitch in heat, pack of 6+ of the meanest mongrels you'll ever meet roaming the streets. It's all part of life. I don't want to see any kid getting bit, but if no one is there to teach them right from wrong, got to learn the hard way. Sore lesson but I'll bet they won't do it again

it was the same with livestock, childhood teaches you what tups are and which cows are infact bullocks. ducks are fine but geese are b*stards. health and safety has shoot itself in the foot and dulled peoples comman sense

We had all the mad dogs and mad farmers, mad bulls etc round here, when we were kids we were always out and about, knowing the dangers was a must.

the younger kids learnt off the older kids, nowadays they call it gangs :laugh: :laugh: ive done some daft things as a kid buts thats the point of daft things, to help you to learn whats daft and whats not, nowadays someone else tells you whats daft and whats not and if you dissagree they sue you :laugh: :laugh:

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:laugh: same here paulus, bitch in heat, pack of 6+ of the meanest mongrels you'll ever meet roaming the streets. It's all part of life. I don't want to see any kid getting bit, but if no one is there to teach them right from wrong, got to learn the hard way. Sore lesson but I'll bet they won't do it again

it was the same with livestock, childhood teaches you what tups are and which cows are infact bullocks. ducks are fine but geese are b*stards. health and safety has shoot itself in the foot and dulled peoples comman sense

We had all the mad dogs and mad farmers, mad bulls etc round here, when we were kids we were always out and about, knowing the dangers was a must.

the younger kids learnt off the older kids, nowadays they call it gangs :laugh: :laugh: ive done some daft things as a kid buts thats the point of daft things, to help you to learn whats daft and whats not, nowadays someone else tells you whats daft and whats not and if you dissagree they sue you :laugh: :laugh:



Halcyon days mate. :victory:

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