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Patterdale Or Plummer

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Im looking to get a terrier for mainly ratting and a small amount of ferreting, but Im unsure of which breed to get. the Patterdale was my first choice as my friend has one and its a loverly dog and a great worker (it does have a little lakeland in it as well), but i have come across the Plummer terrier. Im am looking for a family dog as well as a worker.

i was wondering what peoples opinions are on which would be the most suitable for me?





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there are still plenty of nice sized bitches and dogs out there. i have seen some real beuteys in the last couple of years.heres a few pics of mine.

George,a decent plummer or russell would suit you fine so long as its off decent workers with a brain,mine are capable of doing most things and make good all round dogs,a lot of terriers are limited b

if you dont plan to dig over it-get a plummer it will suit your needs better-you buy a patt and you will be digging it -atb

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The plummer would be better suited imo,if you want a terrier for ferreting with as well as bushing and ratting.I myself have never seen a pat you could take ferreting but have seen a few plummers you could,but that don't mean they don't exsist.

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George,a decent plummer or russell would suit you fine so long as its off decent workers with a brain,mine are capable of doing most things and make good all round dogs,a lot of terriers are limited by their owners and the time they have to give them but ratting,bushing and ferreting they enjoy,a couple of pics for you,WM




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  On 31/03/2013 at 22:30, wirral countryman said:


  On 31/03/2013 at 18:21, Britishbull24 said:

Dog between 13-14

Bitch 11-12

BB24,there are more oversized plummers about then ever,if only they were of the size you mention,I wish you luck,WM

and not just new blooded ones either-what do you think is causing the increase in size-maybe some very busy plummer stud was carrying genes for largeness?

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