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Hi lads just want some advice on this cut. Would you leave it as a opened wound or try need it together with some vet rap with some blue spray on. l want to leave it to dry up theres no heat coming from her jaw no infection well does feel like there is


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Where antibiotics are concerned then prevention isn't better than cure, if you use antibiotics when they ain't needed theres a good chance that they won't work when maybe needed further along in the t

No need for antibiotics in a shallow open wound like that. Clean once with Hibiscrub, then dab on some good quality Manuka honey. Clean once a day with warm salt water to remover crusts and apply more

woopy f--king do got a we nic under it jaw must be some dog that proves it doesnt f--k about

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in the river with her

This dogs no jacker pal look at the other post ive put up. Some lads are like sponges on here soke it all up hunting up and pulling puddings out. Does that picture look like this bitch fucks about. Dont judge too fast think
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Stik it on antibiotics any way salt water twice a day if it then starts to look bad take to vets

Why use antibiotics when it doesn't need them ?
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No need for antibiotics in a shallow open wound like that. Clean once with Hibiscrub, then dab on some good quality Manuka honey. Clean once a day with warm salt water to remover crusts and apply more honey: this only needs to be done on a wound that the dog cannot reach to lick itself. Just clean the wound daily using damp cotton wool, don't scrub at it or you'll damage new tissue as it is growing. Once the wound has shrunk to the size of a one pence piece you can leave it to dry up and scab, but don't pull the scab off prematurely unless you see pus oozing from around its edges, in which case start at square one all over again. Most shallow flesh wounds heal just fine like this.

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Chid I would say that does :thumbs:

Why when it's not infected , giving antibiotics williy nilly can cause bacteria to become immune to them

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