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Few Chicken Questions

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  On 13/04/2013 at 00:48, fergy said:

pekins are quite good i get 4 small eggs each off mine per week and because they have feathered feet the dont really scratch at the grass leaving the garden fairly tidy.

yeah i looked at pekins but got some brahma bantams instead,they are similar i suppose.

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If your wanting plenty of eggs all year round and a friendly lady you cant go wrong with some warrens the black rocks are generally very good layers of big brown eggs but not so friendly they will try avoid you like the plague :laugh: iv got two black rocks and both lay a very nice double yolker a few times aweek iv had some 100+ gram eggs from them last year but the warrens lay nice sized egg aswell :victory:

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Mate, my black rocks will eat the corn out of my hand, and i havent spent any time doing it with them, they just do. The warrens i used to keep, and i agree, they lay flat out, but after the first season, i noticed the shell quality deteriorated quickly, then you'd find one dead, no reason. a breeder once told me, they are designed to lay flat out, almost burn themselves out, and quite often you'll just go over and find one dead, no rhyme or reason, i found that to be the case, some lasted much longer, but shell quality went very poor, the black rocks on the other hand,maintain high quality shell and egg production for a number of years.

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yes the black rocks lay better eggs iv had some belters but iv never had a problem with my commercials and they are very friendly :thumbs: my blacks seem abit moody at times i can hand feed them but not like my warrens i am planning to add some more blacks to the flock in may :boogy:

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