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Matings. Which Breed On Top?

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I'd always thought in a mixed breed mating, say collie greyhound, that it didn't matter a damn which way the mating took place, whether the collie was the sire and the greyhound the dam, or vice versa. However I've read a few posts recently where members have stated that you get different types of pups depending on which breed was 'on top' or ' beneath'.

Is this true? Is there any evidence to back the theory up?

Also with bullcrosses, do greyhounds and whippets dams not have problems giving birth to pups with bully type heads? I know it's a problem with pedigree bull breeds, which often have to have caesarians, so you would think grey and whippets would struggle to pass bully type pups.Any info?

Edited by jukel123
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