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Guest Lamping lad

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Guest Lamping lad

Now then lads got a bit of a problem took dog for a walk last week . To cut a long story short he went to ground got his eyes jamed with sand. He now has realy cloudy left eye . His eye is reacting to light and movement . Just wandering if i should worry . Ime gonna take to the vets i think but you know there nosey feckers.



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when you say reacting to light do you mean in pain if so get him, to the vet if he goes blind you will never forgive yourself in fact i have just reread your post and you say its cloudy take him to the vet ! just tell hi m He did it digging in the garden dosnt mater how lame it sounds thats what happend

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What you need to do is either get the wife to take it and have her be a bit hysterical and dramatic, saying the dog pissed off and came back like this, or


Do your best to clean it out and keep the dog in the shade, avoiding light for a while. It may well have scratched the eye ball and this could be the reason its a bit how do.

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  nelson said:
What you need to do is either get the wife to take it and have her be a bit hysterical and dramatic, saying the dog pissed off and came back like this, or


Do your best to clean it out and keep the dog in the shade, avoiding light for a while. It may well have scratched the eye ball and this could be the reason its a bit how do.


always have a tube of chloromycetin in , it will take the coudiness away in days.

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not heard of that stuff moby,the fucithalmic eye creams good vets only though.

also used optrex from the chemists but they get a bit snotty round my way and wont hand it over unless you produce proof ..a bad eye. :black eye:

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  Lamping lad said:
Now then lads got a bit of a problem took dog for a walk last week . To cut a long story short he went to ground got his eyes jamed with sand. He now has realy cloudy left eye . His eye is reacting to light and movement . Just wandering if i should worry . Ime gonna take to the vets i think but you know there nosey feckers.



golden eye ointment from the chemist,this is good to put into your dogs eyes before you enter it into a sandy set,protects them from getting scratched.
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