wirral countryman 2,110 Posted April 7, 2013 Report Share Posted April 7, 2013 Well done Alfie t whenever there is a plummer thread there's always someone who pipes up and says they're afraid of the dark. WRONG!Wulf,is this an official sanctioned reply ??? LOL's,I've been fighting off nobs like this for 3 yrs without much help from any association,does this mean you intend to help lift the reputation of this little dog at last or is this a one off ?? WM Quote Link to post
wulf 32 Posted April 8, 2013 Report Share Posted April 8, 2013 Looks like it was a one off. Shouldn't have let myself get drawn in. Quote Link to post
wirral countryman 2,110 Posted April 8, 2013 Report Share Posted April 8, 2013 Sooner or later somebody within one of the 3 main bodies will let their mask slip and answer with an honest heart driven reply but not it seems untill the K.C application is accepted and their all on the gravy train,I've bored myself to death many times with the "PLUMMER BIBLE" and read how he left order's to the commitee's to not get drawn into petty arguments and be very careful who they sell pups to,well most have stuck to it and thats why there are so many unworked examples of the breed,has this helped it ?? in my opinion no,terrier's should be bred for work principly and not ponced around a show ring to further 1 mans egocentric dream,they all still have his name with or without K.C registration,it is all about the pound and the many women who influence the direction of the breed that sit on these commitees,these people will not be satisfied untill pups are fetching over 500 pounds. I find it amusing that some members on all of the commitees have asked to come out hunting and have asked advice on how to get their tykes started on fox,some have listened and are now doing a few but untill most lines are of the correct size and working standard then this breed still has a long way to go,they are still more interested in coat patterns than work,I hope they are never registered just to f*ck up the selfish commitees that think they control everything to do with this little breed,rant over,WM 2 Quote Link to post
wulf 32 Posted April 8, 2013 Report Share Posted April 8, 2013 WCM I respect a lot of what you say with regards the working of these terriers but your comments about the club committees and kc are way off the mark. Out of the 4 clubs only 1 of them has kc specifically at the top of its agenda and of the 4 only one is headed up by a woman (who incidentally works her terriers more than most). I've said before its no good shouting from the side lines you have to be actively involved in the clubs to have your voice heard. Just as you have been trying to change people's opinions on here, so various members of the clubs have been trying to change people's opinions within the clubs, get people talking, get dogs used based on merit not what register they belong to. 1 Quote Link to post
wulf 32 Posted April 8, 2013 Report Share Posted April 8, 2013 And for the record to my knowledge he left no such orders to any committee about how to carry the breed on. People breed the way they see fit. Can't speak for the other 3 clubs but nobody in the PTA is told what they can or can't say, we're grown adults not school kids ffs. Quote Link to post
foresterj 1,096 Posted April 8, 2013 Report Share Posted April 8, 2013 should be fine for rats and rabbits and hairy spiders and mice . but most plummers are afraid of the dark You must've worked LOADS of them then? To know what 'most' of them are like. Quote Link to post
wirral countryman 2,110 Posted April 8, 2013 Report Share Posted April 8, 2013 And for the record to my knowledge he left no such orders to any committee about how to carry the breed on. People breed the way they see fit. Can't speak for the other 3 clubs but nobody in the PTA is told what they can or can't say, we're grown adults not school kids ffs. I'll start with this one first as its easy enough,read your plummer bible from cover to cover and you'll see what I said is exact,next you'll tell me that he never said "never sell a pup to anyone looking for a discount as they are not worth the bother" or that "NORMA should be left enough control to scratch a living" the genetic ramblings and instructions are there and are quite clear if you read it and absorb it,there is not 1 night that goes by without me researching some dog or another and its effect on the breed,as regards what is said at committees then anything that brings plummers into a bad light will be looked poorly on by the K.C and seen as infighting thus bringing the registration issue a distant dream,you know as I do that they could'nt agree on the colour of sh*te and nobody wants to comment first,you only have to log on to any of the official forums to see the cloak and dagger involved ,30 logged on ,all waiting for the other to slip up.meanwhile "ROME BURNS", so,going by what you say,we should all buy a registered dog and try for committee,well I tried to aquire a decent bitch and nobody came forward,why ? because there was'nt a decent bred bitch that worked 100% at the time,and although my old dog "DANNY" had both parents registered,he could not be,and the biggest laugh is she bred the old "DAM" to start her own working line,so forgive me if I think its corrupt,The dog was killed by not putting a locator collar on him,yet she told me he was found dead in his kennel,as I said,"CORRUPT",wake up and look at the calibre of the people that make these committees up,he left a dog for 3 days untill a member on here went and dug both dogs out dead,WM Quote Link to post
alfie.t 7 Posted April 8, 2013 Report Share Posted April 8, 2013 sorry wulf,I meant to say their afraid of whats in the dark. Quote Link to post
wirral countryman 2,110 Posted April 8, 2013 Report Share Posted April 8, 2013 I will now answer your other reply,I don't see 4 clubs only 3,if your talking about WPTR as the 4th then you attatch far too much importance to a girl that takes a few pretty pics of ratting,not really all round work is it ?? now you've seen a few work fox you must have more respect for your terrier than before,well now try doing it for 45yrs,then come back and tell me its all about ratting !! half your committees are women that only show and the other half work rats,not exactly a fair representation of terrierwork or the men/women out there,showing is never a priority in terrierwork,you once told me 95% were not interested in work,so that only leaves showing and even that is corrupt,2 legion dogs won the epts show and then were disqualified in order to sell pups that an oversized dog had sired,there is no use having a breed standard if you allow monster dogs that are unproven to sire pups,I could go on and on but most will find it boring,pm me if you like as I've bred these for over 40yrs now,WM Quote Link to post
wulf 32 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 I'll ring you tonight when im finished work, are you still on the same number? Quote Link to post
Cleanspade 3,324 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 I will now answer your other reply,I don't see 4 clubs only 3,if your talking about WPTR as the 4th then you attatch far too much importance to a girl that takes a few pretty pics of ratting,not really all round work is it ?? now you've seen a few work fox you must have more respect for your terrier than before,well now try doing it for 45yrs,then come back and tell me its all about ratting !! half your committees are women that only show and the other half work rats,not exactly a fair representation of terrierwork or the men/women out there,showing is never a priority in terrierwork,you once told me 95% were not interested in work,so that only leaves showing and even that is corrupt,2 legion dogs won the epts show and then were disqualified in order to sell pups that an oversized dog had sired,there is no use having a breed standard if you allow monster dogs that are unproven to sire pups,I could go on and on but most will find it boring,pm me if you like as I've bred these for over 40yrs now,WM WM. your rants are getting repetative. and as per usual you stick the knife in the wrong folk. its all fine and well being passionate but you really do need to get a grip. it wasnt long ago i was offered a pup free to a home that would try it out and that was by someone you are insulting in your posts. and they respect the way you work your dogs. but respect is a two way thing. and the lady you call a girl is a grandmother. and does indeed take quality pictures gave me my first plummer and delivered it half way. the bitch works very well above and below. and has been a godsend despite being to big . ive a couple of plummers i work them to whatever suits me i dont give two flying fcuks what you or anyone else thinks. get out with the dogs an chill out. 1 Quote Link to post
wirral countryman 2,110 Posted April 9, 2013 Report Share Posted April 9, 2013 C.S. I will remain repetitive for as long as it takes and don't really care if there are a few broken eggs along the way,she may of gifted you a dog and you may find being a moderator on a second rate website makes you feel important,well that cuts no ice with me,it will not affect the manner in which my dogs are worked one iota but it can all have a bearing as to the future of the breed,for your benefit I'll repeat again,there should be one club representing the breed to avoid the fragmentaion and direction in which it progress's,without quality leadership the breed will suffer as it has since the initial split of the original committee,with the formation of each new club feeling the need to re-invent the direction to its future.I hope you have as much to say when you eventually meet me face to face,because I certainly will,why you feel the need to ride your white charger in defence of another person is a mystery only known to you and easy to do on the internet. I may say a lot on this and other websites,and unless your a bit slow on the uptake then you would realise that its done in order to bring about a response from people that would otherwise remain silent,I have learnt a lot by drawing people out into the open with comment,the best laugh for me is that I speak on the phone regular to many on "all" the committees and sometimes I am only a mouthpiece for them as they are bound by the constrictions of towing the official line of their various committees,also whilst we're on the subject,I have enough good friends from a lifetime of working my dogs without feeling the need to popularise myself by having to say the right thing,so butt out and "fcuk off" where your comments may be listened to,as on here your just another member like me,WM Quote Link to post
mule1943 291 Posted April 10, 2013 Report Share Posted April 10, 2013 It must be a vicious lil f****r if you have to wear gloves like that to handle it lol nice pup mate good luck with it never noticed the gloves ,must get them with pup ,love your comment Quote Link to post
Cleanspade 3,324 Posted April 10, 2013 Report Share Posted April 10, 2013 C.S. I will remain repetitive for as long as it takes and don't really care if there are a few broken eggs along the way,she may of gifted you a dog and you may find being a moderator on a second rate website makes you feel important,well that cuts no ice with me,it will not affect the manner in which my dogs are worked one iota but it can all have a bearing as to the future of the breed,for your benefit I'll repeat again,there should be one club representing the breed to avoid the fragmentaion and direction in which it progress's,without quality leadership the breed will suffer as it has since the initial split of the original committee,with the formation of each new club feeling the need to re-invent the direction to its future.I hope you have as much to say when you eventually meet me face to face,because I certainly will,why you feel the need to ride your white charger in defence of another person is a mystery only known to you and easy to do on the internet. I may say a lot on this and other websites,and unless your a bit slow on the uptake then you would realise that its done in order to bring about a response from people that would otherwise remain silent,I have learnt a lot by drawing people out into the open with comment,the best laugh for me is that I speak on the phone regular to many on "all" the committees and sometimes I am only a mouthpiece for them as they are bound by the constrictions of towing the official line of their various committees,also whilst we're on the subject,I have enough good friends from a lifetime of working my dogs without feeling the need to popularise myself by having to say the right thing,so butt out and "fcuk off" where your comments may be listened to,as on here your just another member like me,WM nice one . more bully boy tactics. shows your true colours . i'm not defending anyone . i'm stateing facts, you can like them or dislike them. you can rant away i dont give to hoots. as for clubs and committee's i dont tend to worry about what they do or dont do. it doesnt affect me or my dogs. if we had met before this post i would have shook your hand and talked dogs. as i dont take this www as serious as you obviously do. ah well takes all sorts i suppose. Quote Link to post
wirral countryman 2,110 Posted April 10, 2013 Report Share Posted April 10, 2013 C.S,if you kept your comment civil then you know that I would of as well,there is no bully boy tactics here as I will bite you if you step on my tail,unlike some I wear my heart on my sleeve where my terriers are concerned,I like many feel these little dogs are just one step short of being the terrier "Brian" dreamed of at its inception and will make no apology to people who can and should of made the difference by now,with the right people on one committee the minor faults that are outstanding could all be put to bed in a couple of generations,steady all round dogs with no health problems,capable of any work or show,the talent and genetic know how is there among "all" the clubs but the co-operation is not,so the only developement is done in small pockets by the odd kennel,you get the odd outstanding dog and it then gets overused to the point that it appears in every 6 generation paperwork many times thus narrowing the gene pool instead of purposefull developement of it,without 1 master plan but 4 then the chances are very much diminished for success.I should not have to breed my own blend of working plummers by carefull selection among lines and feel good working stock should of been available as it was when brian had control of things and feel this alone is a sad indictment of the state of the breed from a working point of view,when we have 95% worked and 5% shown then I may shut up but don't bank on it,WM 1 Quote Link to post
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