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Shrouded Barrels

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can any one tell me is a shrouded barrel supposed to make the gun quiet or quieter

than normal.


if not can you get a silencer to fit a shrouded barrel






Bloody hell its no wonder they call it a rocket THE CRACK AS YOU FIRE IT sounds likE it wouldnt be out of place on the launch pad of NASA



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i heard in america they arent allowed silencers, so a shrouded barrel makes them a little quieter.


imagine the hw100 series...


the normal hw100, unsilenced, would be louder than a hw100 fsb without an additional silencer.

but a hw100fsb with an added silencer -I imagine- would be quieter than a silenced hw100


if that makes sence?

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lol just let me get my eyes back into focus and stop them spinning round my head ha ha ha i think i follow that

i do know what you mean.


bloody hell i tell you its louder than any airgun ive fired over the 30 odd years


i really must see if i can get a silencer


i feel if i go shooting with this little gem i wont have long in the field before i have to go home and all the bunnies are laughing at me ha ha ha!!! two miles away

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What's the diameter of the shroud? If its wide enough you can wrap the barrel with felt or scotchbrite to fill the void between the barrel and shroud which will improve it. I've done it to my S10 and it has made a difference. Not as good as a proper mod but helps ;-)


If you know any engineers you could get him to machine a mod adapter to fit the end of the shroud and with a 1/2" UNF for the mod ;-)

Edited by AirgunGuy
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i dont know what size the barrel is and the shroud i wil have a look and if i can give it ago with packing inbetween them thanks for advice i do know an engineer i worked with years ago but weather he would make me something i dont know i do haver a smal metal working lathe my self so might give it a go it i could get the materials.

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My Webley Venom Viper came with a shrouded barrel as standard, which reduced the "crack", but was not quiet. I unscrewed the end cap and fitted a silencer adapter, which was available online. I then fitted a lightweight SAK silencer onto this. Now it just puffs.

This is my review. http://www.urbanfieldsportsman.com/index.php/rifle-weblet-viper-venom-22-carbine-pcp/

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