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Say No To Bedroom Tax

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What if I agree with it, do you still want me to say no ??   Maybe if your family couldn`t get a suitable home due to hundreds of old women living in 5 bedroom houses they have been in for years, y

I agree with you rake,but it shouldnt be across the board.There some 2 bed council homes that are still tiny.every case should be looked at. If only they were so brutal in there cuts towards there f

The problem is that everyone against any reform cites the case of the genuinely needy, as every claimant is lumped together. The genuine would be easier to spot and get what they were entitled to if

  On 01/04/2013 at 11:18, shootlodge said:

& the likes of so called 'Single' mothers, with all the benefits, council tax, 3 bed home, working on the side cleaning £7+ p/h & boy friend coming home after a day at work & the weekly perks are......


£45 c/tax - dss

£80+ p/w rent - dss

£150 single benefit - dss

£30 child ben -dss

20hrs clean £150 - cash in hand & picked up

b/ friend £100 p/w stop over - cash in hand !


A starting wage of £555 + p/w for only 20hrs


Not a bad earner that !! :hmm: whilst the rest of us do 45hrs x 2 :thumbs:


& nothing to do with the new tax ??

is that what you pay your polish house keeper?

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  On 02/04/2013 at 08:16, bobby blackheart said:


  On 01/04/2013 at 11:18, shootlodge said:

& the likes of so called 'Single' mothers, with all the benefits, council tax, 3 bed home, working on the side cleaning £7+ p/h & boy friend coming home after a day at work & the weekly perks are......


£45 c/tax - dss

£80+ p/w rent - dss

£150 single benefit - dss

£30 child ben -dss

20hrs clean £150 - cash in hand & picked up

b/ friend £100 p/w stop over - cash in hand !


A starting wage of £555 + p/w for only 20hrs


Not a bad earner that !! :hmm: whilst the rest of us do 45hrs x 2 :thumbs:


& nothing to do with the new tax ??

is that what you pay your polish house keeper?

them figures are way off the mark. i bet alot of single people wish they got £150 per week the reality is its £71 and is the same for a single parent, child benifit is £20.30 for the first child, she would also pay council tax at 8.5% of the band rate, cash in hand work is non existant anymore. Divide and conquer :thumbs:

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Another quick point, why should there be child benefit, you want kids rear and pay for them yourself.

This island we call Great Britain wouldn't be as overcrowded and the shithole it is if people had to finance their own kids, guaranteed there wouldn't be as many about.

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  On 02/04/2013 at 11:54, paulus said:


  On 02/04/2013 at 09:58, Paid said:

That doesnt mean it doesnt exist lol.

all cash even petty cash has to be accounted for.

What the feck has that got to do with cash in hand work while on the permanent sick, or dole ?


Hair dressing, cleaning, gardening, ironing, drug dealing, prostitution, handy man work ext can all still be gotten as cash in hand with ease while on the social.

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  On 02/04/2013 at 16:23, Paid said:


  On 02/04/2013 at 11:54, paulus said:


  On 02/04/2013 at 09:58, Paid said:

That doesnt mean it doesnt exist lol.

all cash even petty cash has to be accounted for.

What the feck has that got to do with cash in hand work while on the permanent sick, or dole ?


Hair dressing, cleaning, gardening, ironing, drug dealing, prostitution, handy man work ext can all still be gotten as cash in hand with ease while on the social.

not round here every fooker is on the dole :laugh: :laugh:

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What short memories people have.


This isn't a tax; it's a way of stopping paying for the luxury of extra rooms.


Labour first brought it in for privately owned properties. The government have now extended it to Social Housing.


While I agree with it in principle, there must be safeguards to ensure that some people aren't penalised for being disabled etc.


There was a bloke on the radio yesterday moaning because he needed the extra rooms in case his kids wanted to stay. I well remember going to stay with my dad and having to sleep on a sofa bed because he had a visitor using the spare bedroom. I didn't have a bedroom at home of my own (I shared with a brother), nor did I expect a bedroom of my own at my dads.


Everyone keeps banging on about 'rights' these days (the right to a holiday every year, the right to a widescreen telly, the right to a mobile phone, the right to be able to go to the pub etc) What about responsibilities?


The benefit system should be there to provide a safety net to those who fall on hard times, it's not there to provide a lifestyle for anyone.

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if only everything was that simple matt, social, educational.regional,mental,physical and dependency issues ect, all play a part in people who claim benifits but they are condemed to one basket are all different and to be fair i dont know many who think or could afford any of what you mention on the benifits they get, unless its aquired through vultures like brighthouse, shopacheck, provident etc all a vastly extorted interest rates and all paid for with money they carnt afford to pay but feel pressured into buying. most of these rules the goverment keeps mentioning are already in place,like the one last week about all imigrants having to find work within 6 months or else they will loose there benifit entitlement. thats been in force for jobseekers for over 12 months. i would like to see half the people who post what theyv`e read somewhere else live on the benifits that are available, because as sure as eggs are eggs you wouldnt want to choose it as a lifestyle having lived like it for a week or two.

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You say that Paul, but many of us watch people who are very happy to live on it, and have made a life choice that doesn't involve work.

It isn't what we read, its what we see.


the system would be a good thing, if it wasn't for the many parasites in it.


This is a thing i don't understand from you, you often say benefit fraud is only a small part of the bill. I don't believe it, from what i see.

There are loads out there who wouldn't show up as fraud, because they are true parasites of the system, and know how to play it, and they

do play it well.

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I understand that Paulus.


Last year I was seriously ill. For the first time ever, I claimed benefits.


25 years of paying tax and national insurance and I got £67 per week. That didn't even pay the food bills.


We don't have kids, so have never been able to claim tax credits/family credit or whatever. If I have a bad month at work we have to just soldier on and try and get through to the next month.


Sadly, like many others, whenever I see benefit claimants on the news or whatever, they seem to be sat on brand new leather sofas, with widescreen TV's and mobile phones to hand. We've got a thirty year old 3 piece suite which I was given by a relative, and a telly that a bloke in the pub offered me for free if we picked it up.


Mrs Rat did 22 years working for DHSS on fraud and the Social Fund. It was hard for her to hand out £100 maternity payments to people who had never worked in their lives, while the doctors told us we could never have kids. Equally, when some of the druggies sold their washing machines to pay for the next fix, they popped into the Social and picked up an interest free loan for a new one.


I accept that there are genuine cases out there, and that it's not the fault of some of the people that they find themselves on hard times. No-one really wants to live on benefits, I realise that, but it's the system at fault not the people.


My point above was more to do with what folks now consider to be essential. Does a divorced father for example, need to provide a bedroom for each of his kids in case they want to visit? I don't think so. Does that mean he should move into a smaller property? I don't think that would be right either. Should the taxpayer fork out to pay for it 'just in case'? Not when we can't afford to provide proper care for pensioners, no.


While I agree that allowing people the right to buy their council house may have been a good thing; the huge mistake was not replacing them. The local authorities actually have the money raised from those sales but aren't allowed to spend it. Madness, sheer madness.

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