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Not nice when you live alone :no:

And please dont think for one minute you will be big enough or hard enough to tackle a fully grown man with serious intentions of not getting caught (at whatever he is planning to do) cos you wont be, knife or not. No-one ever thinks it will happen to them.....till it does.

Please be safe, prevention is better than cure :thumbs:


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Some good and some not so good advice, call the police and report it, your phone number will be then recorded on the phone handling system that the local police use, then if you dial 999 again and dont get chance to speak, they will know who you are and where you are from the last time you rang!


And as has been said, burglars etc..often plan ahead and they may be storing the bricks for a reason later, one burglar i heard of used to smash a window and then leg it, he would come back the next day and remove either the temporary boarding up or take the putty out of the new window and climb in then, (obviously this only works if they dont put a double glazed unit in) making alot less noise and entering practically un-noticed.......


The spray paint sounds a good idea, but make sure that when you call the police you explain that you were scared and feared for your life etc..and just grabbed what was nearby, this will protect you against any assault claims (common law right to self defence and instant arming when scared) where as "he was a burglar and i give him a kicking" wont help matters!!


take care, lock the windows, move the bricks and call the police, they may have info you dont know about and can do casual patrols past your house if they can justify it and aren't tied up with something else during the night,


remember you can use force to detain someone who has commited an offence, and can use force to do so, (sec 3 criminal law act) and under common law you can even have a pre-emptive strike (i.e. i feared he was going to hit me, i was scared for my life etc...so i kicked him in the balls!!) but dont go getting into fights that you can avoid and stay safe!


Compo :gunsmilie:

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Thank you ladies and gents - plan of action is...Im usually awake til break of day anyways :icon_eek: (Insomniac) So...at the slightest sound im going to sneak round to Mums (next door flat - dosnt invovle going outdoors just through 2 doors in the block) and then get a look from her bedroom window and obviously if anyones there stay inside but bray on the window and then prob call cops.

I know for a fact the B and B with its back to my block has CCTV which litrally points at my driveway - Might ask them if they picked owt dodgy up tomorrow.

Bedroom light is staying on (as detterant)..Mobile phone staying charged (just in case) - Dont feel like doing the knife thing now :big_boss:

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Guest JohnGalway

I wish that were true Frank, his troubles aren't over yet. He did a year in prison for defending himself and his property and the family of that animal are still taking advice on whether to sue him civilly or not. Know the guy personally as he's a farmer too.

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Guest Frank

I know John, i have heard he has got nowt but hassel since from them :(

But, at the time, he was desprate and traped, as he was constantly bullied by them and intemedated.

He is a free man, but with strings attached. :(



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