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Birds in the wild use it loads but i myself would never use it due to it tangling around chicks feet and i got given a redpoll last year that had this problem and she lost a couple of toes due to it,it's amazingly strong and a bird has no chance of freeing itself of it if tangled.

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Any of you guys provide horse hair, for your birds nesting requirements? I mean shed / combed out fur, obviously. Not yard long mane or tail hairs.

just comb terriers out of winter coats ,& use that .did it 2 day ,canarys & goldies .

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Cheers, lads. I had a dog who shed lovely fur. Sadly, he's long dead now.


I have this horse who's hairy as f**k though. She's shedding sack loads just now. Two or three inch long, I'd guess, individual hairs.


I rake her over, maybe every few weeks. Just because. And, right now, I'm having to put the shit in a sack. Otherwise, I'd end up wading in it! :icon_eek:




One side of my hairy horse, given a swift rake off. That's a size 9 boot. Is there no charity I can donate this stuff to? It's like that Irish lad's shot another goat.








Oh god; The f**king horse hair!




Sleep ..........




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