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Mk3 Locator - Pinpointer

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Alright folks,


Ive just got myself a Mk3 locator and Collar. Its actually the terrier finder box but seems to be the same kit.


Ive figured out how to get it working using the search feature at distance and then using locate when getting pretty close.

What is the knob on the back for? It says pinpointer?


Also do i have to take the batteries out of the collar to stop them going flat? The collar is not the magnetic one, its the one which takes 2 x 393 batteries side by side. Will they still run flat even if box is turned off?



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yes take the bateries out the collar

terrier and ferret boxes are exactly the same (unless its a 40ft box)


pinpointer i always kept turned down when i was using it so some one else could give you a better idea on that

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Take the batteries out the collar and the finder because the battery will go flat even when its off, I dont realy mess about with the pinpointer have it turned all the way to the right still works good for me sure other people on here will know more about it.

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