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Define Murder

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I think a woman owned the dogs, and ran off when they attacked the girl.


Very sad.


I do understand this annoyance of chavs owning these type of dogs and using them as a status symbol, but in this case, I'm going to guess the daft cow that owned them had them as protection from scrotes on the estate.


A lot of comments about the authorities should take control, just what we all need, a new law stating how many and what kind of dogs folk can own :blink:


I think you should be accountable for your dogs, no other laws needed.

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Oh do f**k off, they killed a kid and were put down and rightly so

What you gonna charge anyone with?......they didn't mean for that to happen. They nicked that van driver in Croydon this week for dangerous driving after a mum left a baby outside in a pram and it ro

Having a teenage daughter and your wife's mood swings to negotiate..... That's murder lol

dont know about the dogs,but rightly or wrongly id want to murder the c**t who owned those dogs if it were my daughter.

There was only one option and the right one.those dogs killed a girl in a pack mentality.they needed destroyed after that!Regardless of where the blame lies.

Thats why there public enquiries.


sorry meant "inquest" couldnt think of the term used.

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Should of shot the owner of the dogs while they were at it. Hopefully one day our justice system will punish the owners properly.


i can't imagine the kind of pain the parents of the poor girl are going through at the minute

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What you gonna charge anyone with?......they didn't mean for that to happen.

They nicked that van driver in Croydon this week for dangerous driving after a mum left a baby outside in a pram and it rolled into the road......that bloke didn't want that to happen and I bet he is destroyed.

Why not nick the mum for neglect?


One thing I hate about modern society is that everyone's got to have a reason or somewhere to pin the blame......sometimes bad stuff happens for no reason, end of!!


Animals are NOT sentient beings, they are animals and will behave like animals.....never loose sight of that and more things like this could be avoided


It's all this misplaced " Love" that's one of the biggest problems, if you have a dangerous horse or dog or f***ing bugi put the f***ing thing down!!!


I really like my dog, but I would put him away without a second thought if he showed any sign of being dangerous to people in any way at all.....at the end of the day, it's just a dog!

Edited by WILF
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  On 28/03/2013 at 10:59, Born Hunter said:

WILF, if I jumped into someones back yard unnanounced and was bitten by their yard dog, am I not right in believing I could prosecute them?

No idea mate, but I think the point here is, should a yard do used for that purpose be allowed to mix with people?......IMHO it should be let out to do its job and put away again when it's finished.


You can never loose sight of what certain animals were bred to do or what is inherent in their nature

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  On 28/03/2013 at 10:59, Born Hunter said:


WILF, if I jumped into someones back yard unnanounced and was bitten by their yard dog, am I not right in believing I could prosecute them?

Yes if the dog is there alone

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  On 28/03/2013 at 11:09, chid21 said:


  On 28/03/2013 at 10:59, Born Hunter said:


WILF, if I jumped into someones back yard unnanounced and was bitten by their yard dog, am I not right in believing I could prosecute them?

Yes if the dog is there alone


But apparently perfectly legal to have four of your dogs kill me as long as you were present before running off. LOL, feck me all these laws and loopholes make my head hurt.

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  On 28/03/2013 at 09:15, mad al said:

That owner is responsible for all those deaths whatever opinion anybody has, they walked away leaving a child with five dogs, that alone shows how irresponsible they are. As for my house full of Rotties I have had the breed for 20+ years and seen what happens when pack mentality takes over and dealt with it so I don't need educating thank you.

Ending the dogs lives was the only option in Manchester, once the dogs had got to that point, but the owner had the opportunity to avoid it a long time before it got that far. Nobody will ever know how many "near misses" there had been before this week and God knows how many similar situations occur every single day, some owners may as well have a loaded gun in their hands. How many more deaths will there be before somebody has the sense to clamp down on the time bombs all over the UK.


That folks is my opinion, you all have yours.

Mad al im not having a pop at you even though i do think your wrong.............im just curious to know whats the attraction in keeping dogs like these ?....I can half understand keeping 1 as a guard dog but " a houseful " ....why ? :blink:

I used to know somebody with one years ago,big horrible smelly slobbering f****n thing used to drive me mad.............to keep more than 1 of them inside a house.......i just dont get it mate whats the attraction ?

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  On 28/03/2013 at 10:51, WILF said:

What you gonna charge anyone with?......they didn't mean for that to happen.

They nicked that van driver in Croydon this week for dangerous driving after a mum left a baby outside in a pram and it rolled into the road......that bloke didn't want that to happen and I bet he is destroyed.

Why not nick the mum for neglect?


One thing I hate about modern society is that everyone's got to have a reason or somewhere to pin the blame......sometimes bad stuff happens for no reason, end of!!


Animals are NOT sentient beings, they are animals and will behave like animals.....never loose sight of that and more things like this could be avoided


It's all this misplaced " Love" that's one of the biggest problems, if you have a dangerous horse or dog or f*****g bugi put the f*****g thing down!!!


I really like my dog, but I would put him away without a second thought if he showed any sign of being dangerous to people in any way at all.....at the end of the day, it's just a dog!

I'd charge them for not being in control of dangerous animals. An accident is when someone is injured, that poor girl was savaged by 5 dogs the owner was irresponsible and should face charges and hopefully it will make all the chavs sit up and think about owning a 'had' dog.

I'll flip it for you, If you have a accident at work through your employers neglect injured or fatal do you think they should be let off as as you said sometimes bad stuff happens

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mad al there is a young girl lying dead and you bang on about 4 f***ing fat useless mutts? you horrible f****r!

arent you the grass that came on here all made up that you had rang the RSPCA on some one?? all made up
with your self? i dont care if there was dogs neglected you should have sorted that yourself...
only people i know that talk about animals over humans are antis... and am sorry but your in the same league
as them to me from now on....

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